Oh my gosh, it’s been almost 3 days since we were able to go out to the farm… it’s been cold and raining like crazy. It’s windy today and still kinda cold, but that’s okay, we can’t stand it any longer!
Besides, we have a surprise for Windhaven!
A NEW (USED) dishwasher!!! Yah!!!! Go Craigslist!!! Only 5 years old and only $50. How can you go wrong with a $50 dishwasher!!!
Okay, ah, yeah, i suppose there are lots of ways you can go wrong with a $50 dishwasher, but that’s okay. We have faith in used appliances and Craigslist, so hopefully the water fairies will smile on us and we got a good one! If nothing else it will fill up the gaps in the plumbing and give us water in the kitchen!!! See, a bright side to EVERYTHING!
But perhaps the best part? We’re meeting Jeremy of our landscaping angels, Jay and Jeremy and he used to work maintenance at an apartment complex and he thinks he can help us with the gas heater and the leak in the basement AND install the dishwasher!!! Yahooooo!
We may be back in business and painting and such! We got a kerosene heater for $20 and it’s lovely, but now I’m a little scared of it. I don’t know why. We do have to find fuel for it, but I suspect it’s available out there. We also got a nice little oil filled portable electric heater for really reasonable at the Tractor Supply Store… $30. Apparently they work very nicely and will easily heat up about 600-800 square feet. So… cross your fingers, if we can get the gas wall heater going and then the little portable going, I think we’ll be nice and cosy without even getting the kerosene thing going.
The kerosene one will be good in an emergency and not a bad thing to have on the farm. I think it would come in VERY handy in an outage, or say, out in the barn or workshop or something. And this is like NEW… a good deal for sure.
Well, we’re about ready to take off! Just signing in for a minute while the girls finish getting ready! Will have pictures to share tonight I’m sure!

10-20 yrs ago..we used the kerosene heaters to heat our upstairs..they were popular and was used alot. Also..it seemed that nearly every gas station carried K-1 white kerosene. These heaters would REALLY put out the heat! We loved our..but as kerosene got more and more expensive..we stopped. The maintenance was to change the inside filter yearly..which was a major pain in the but..and I was afraid to reuse ours because I couldn’t change it right..I don’t remember any problems with fumes..although alot of people are scared of that..but..we loved ours..when our furnace when out…we threw a blanket up to cover unused rooms..and heated the rest of the house with one heater. We usually had to refuel it every 3 days..but this was when kerosene was 80 cents a gallon. Ive know of people using them while they slept. I’m not sure why they have lost their popularity..except if you don’t keep up with the maintenance I suppose they would be dangerous..I might be scared to use one now without supervision. In fact..my 24 yr old daughter had a used one and she stored it downstairs in my house and I got rid of it. Supervising it..gosh it does heat the house!
Thanks for letting me know that! We would love to get this thing running, but we are having trouble finding FUEL for it!!! It’s crazy, we’ve been to 5 places now. Hardwares, big boxes, gas stations… no one has it! Even tractor supply, nothing. Weird. I hear now that if you can find it, it’s not very cheap… a gallon at TSC was $8.99!!! I suppose that’s partially why it’s fallen out of favor. But I’m not going to give up.. haha… there has to be some, somewhere!!!!
im wanting to buy ur dishwasher