Yes, Maggie made me a grandma today. A guinea pig grandma. His name is Edward and he’s as cute as the dickens. I love piggies! When we ran the rescue, the piggies were my favorite! I love their little faces.
Maggie’s been lonely for a little pocket pet critter for a long time. She’s got her fiesty pair of ferrets and they are a ball of fun, but they don’t like to be cuddled and held much. Guinea pigs are great for watching movies with. And they are great at composting leftover veggies and apple cores! Yah! A green pet! Of course, their litter can go into the compost pile as well, shavings are great for helping your gardens out.
Edward (no relation to the vampire people at all, Maggie just wanted a nice formal name that she could also use shortened… like Eddy or Ed) has been settling in just perfect! He’s so sweet and calm and is being spoiled to heck. Maggie has already made an extra trip to the store for apples, carrots, a new food dish, hay and a new water bottle for him from her savings. She’s definitely in love. Edward has met all the other critters at the moby zoo, though we can’t trust the ferrets with the new baby… they are a little hard on piggies!
Gypsy, of course, just counts Edward as another livestock duty for her to keep an eye on. She likes all little critters and is very gentle around them. Luna was fascinated for about 20 minutes but then decided he didn’t move enough for her to bother hunting him and went off to find Jack and torture him. We found little Nina a home so that was kinda sad and happy at the same time during this busy week. I hope she is doing good… I’m sure she is. She was sure a cutie, but 4 cats was just too much. The kitties were having a little war over the pecking order and it was getting a little too stressful.
Edward likes to cuddle in a blanket and I got to hold him for a good long time and knit and watch a little Desperate Housewives on… it was so nice to have a little buddy to hang with. I’m sure Maggie and Jessy will spoil the boy, but I kinda think he’s going to be super spoiled by me when they are gone!
After all, what are grandmas for?

Kisses for the new fur baby! <3