Well after a very very busy week, the girls and I decided to run away to Michigan and visit the Ikea store. I had saved up enough moola for my last wall shelf and today was the day! And it was so nice to have the afternoon to hang with my peeps and enjoy a good long browse through Ikea! I wish there was one of these a little closer, but it’s probably a good thing that it’s not too close. I mean an hour away is good actually. Good for my budget and bank account!
I paid attention when Tim put the first one together and to be honest, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. It did take me twice as long as Tim, but well, I’m not that great with these things, so I thought I better take my time and do it right. After all, I’d been thinking about these pair of shelves for almost 2 years now!
The spot was all empty and ready for the beast to be installed. Gypsy hung with me through the whole process, watching from her perch on the couch and encouraging me on. She’s a great companion for anything that involves thinking, effort and tools!
Of course, at the very end, Jessy and Maggie lent a hand to make it all final!
I spent all morning and afternoon on Saturday hunting down all my crafts and art stuff and media and books and all that jazz and installing it in the cubbies and I still HAVE MORE ROOM! They are SO perfect! Just what I wanted! I love having all these fun things in one place, all the colors and textures in the little dark cubbies, with some of the knick knacks and such I love. Photos of my dear ones and good friends. Just a nice display of all the important things to me. And what I love? Is that now, the rest of the house, especially my room can be clear of a lot of boxes and clutter stashed here and there, and it has made my room feel SO calm and clear. It will be a great place to work, and relax and all my stuff will now have a “place” so that I can find it and use it! All my stuff is now neatly contained and ready for use. Can’t wait!
I just LOVE the way it looks and how it completes the Moby’s main room. It’s nice and slightly contemporary, yet it’s woodgrain and all the golds and jewel tones and browns work nicely together. I love the way it all looks now. I don’t even miss the TV in there!
We’ve got a little more to do in the work area, mostly just putting away stuff and all from redoing the main room and also moving my own room around a little to accommodate the lack of stuff all over! Yah! I’m tired now… sleep is going to feel wonderful!!!

Where’s the fireplace? It looks VERY cozy!