It’s been a while since I got a new toy… For several years now I have wanted to be able to use something to input illustrations into a computer by drawing on a screen or tablet. I’ve tried various things but they always left me feeling awkward. I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid and I just could not get the right feel, pressure or coordination between a tablet, stylus and a screen.
Until now.
I finally got an Apple Pencil! It works with my ipad and OH MY GOSH… it’s so wonderful! Oh dear, it’s everything that I always wanted in being able to draw straight into a digital file. I’ve been busy just learning the touch and feel of it and of course, watching a ton of YouTube videos of people using this tool in so many amazing ways!
I found that one of the best programs to use with the Apple Pencil is ProCreate! It’s a wonderful drawing program and has so many options for illustration. And the best thing? ProCreate is under $10!!!
If you are looking for a great drawing stylus, I really think that you need to check on the combination of an Ipad Pro, Apple Pencil and ProCreate!!! It’s just so much wonderfulness!!!!
(And one really fun thing is that ProCreate allows you to create a little video of your drawings! It’s so fun to watch what you draw! Enjoy this little my Little Pony drawing!)