The kitties were all happy and ready to visit! Or sleep in a pile of hay, which ever came first!
My friends Kathy and Bill came out to visit us in late Fall last year! It was so cool because I’ve known Kathy since I was in high school! Honest! Like a hundred years ago! Or well, maybe not that long, but it’s sure been awhile. We lost touch for a good deal of it, but then a couple years ago, we reconnected through Facebook! Yes, good old social media! And then through chatting and such, we actually started working together… I’ve been doing her vinyl decals and t-shirt designs for her business… Farago Arts! She has an Etsy shop… you can visit it here…
The goaties where happy to see everyone! They came down to pick up a big order of t-shirts for a Barn Hunt club! If you don’t know what Barn Hunt is… do check it out, google… it’s a fun dog sport where owners and dogs get to compete to located hidden tubes that live rats are in! Pet rats, and no one is harmed in the process. But it’s a lot of fun for all, kind of like a farm based hide and seek.
We are discussing the finer points of hogs and piglets!
Okay, maybe instead we are just handing out treats! Yeah… still, Kathy loves animals and knows a lot about them for a city gal! She’s a dog groomer and has been involved in purebred doggos for EVER! Back in the old days, we even showed dogs! I just had my one lovely Belgian Shepherd lady, Gypsy, but she has had a bunch of sweet Welsh Cardigan Corgis!
Emerald was very happy to see her! She is happy when anyone visits because it means lots of pets and yummy treats. And she smiles…
It was a very nice visit! We had a little lunch and a good long time to talk. And of course, the animal visit was fun as well. Beulah was doing her best impression of a sheep trying to squeeze through a teeny hole! haha…. silly girl.
These are the fun shirts that I made for her club… Kathy designed them and then the girls and I did the cut vinyl and applied it on the shirts! I think there were 30+ shirts! So much fun and I’m glad that they all loved them. That orange was very very bright…
It was so fun that they could come down from Michigan where they live and visit us all! We love when people come to the homestead and see all that we are doing and just visit all our goofy critters… until next time!!!
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