Daddy brought Maggie a new toy! Not too many girls that really get excited over a contracter grade table saw, but this kid was very excited!!! She loves it and it helps to keep her safe in her shop!
He brought Jessy a wonderful new camera! She is SO excited. She loves photography and is so good at it… she does all our product and promotion photography as well. Now she is back up in the current century with her beautiful camera. Expect 200,000 pictures of her dog in the near future… as she learns her new camera!
We got a lovely little weed whacker from our cousins out in California! We sure do have weeds and it will be a lovely addition to our tool shed!!! Thanks guys!!!
Ratchet got a GIANT leg bone to knaw on… he was SO happy, we hardly saw him all Christmas day! We heard him, however, knawing and knawing and knawing… Happy Boy!
No, sorry Evee… these are for mommie!!! You got your own toy, a double headed tennis ball bone!!!! She loves it…
Just a few other lovely gifts… we don’t go crazy over the holidays but we really appreciate the thoughtfulness of our gifts from friends and family! They sure do know what we need!
Once we were all done, we had a lovely little breakfast of eggs, bacon and mmmm….. cinnamon toast! Nothing fancy but it was so nice and just perfect. We had the rest of the day off and we just napped and relaxed and enjoyed! We have a ton of orders to do but we just thought it was time for a day off… I hope everyone didn’t mind!
Here’s hoping you had a lovely Christmas as well, and Happy Holidays to all, however you celebrate this lovely season. I think it’s special that so many people have so many lovely traditions and celebrations this time of the year… there is something for everyone!