Another good day working on the dining room! We found trim pieces from our refurbish stash and spent a little time pounding out the nails and touching them up. Then, they got a good two coats of bright white trim paint. Looking good!
While the trim dried, I painted that last bit of drywall over the opening, of course, after sanding down the joint a bit and getting it all nicely put together. Looks so nice now! Just need to box in that opening section where we added the header. I think I will use pine boards… it’s nine inches wide, so we’ll probably get a 10 inch board and trim it to fit. Then we can paint it all nicely and consider adding door trim around the opening. I’m not certain yet if we will or not. It’s going to be one of those wait and see sort of situations.
I love to recycle things and this door and window trim came from a friend’s house that was going to be torn down. Thanks so much Curtis! Took us a while, but it’s finally coming in very handy! We have more, just going to wait and see where it best can be used. Trim is very expensive! Our house, before it was foreclosed on, was being flipped by the previous owners. They had an insulation company come in and they removed all the trim from every door and window in the house. Unfortunately, before the house was finished, they lost it. And apparently, there was a big pile of trim in the garage and the bank hired someone to come and remove all the “trash” from the various buildings and all the trim was taken. Such a unhappy thing! We have been slowly trying to replace the trim as we work on each room. Just expensive!
While I was waiting for the trim to dry and then install it, I decided to paint the kitchen trim around the mud room door! Why not? It takes a bit of a beating from the dogs and the farm comings and goings. I think nothing looks better than a nice, clean coat of white trim paint!
This is the opening to the bathroom… ugh! All around the door, it’s just ugly and missing, just not very nice. I can’t wait to see how the trim will look!
The doorway to the kitchen is nicer, but still, pretty rough up close!
And wow! So nice… I’m so happy. A friend has suggested we paint the baseboards white as well, and I have to say, we probably will. I’ll see if Jess will mind doing that tomorrow. She’s much better at trim painting then I am. I think that will really tie it all in together nicely. Just so excited that we are just one little step away from having this room finished. It’s already working so much better for us. We all enjoy sitting and eating lunch or breakfast at the little cafe table and the traffic flow is so much better with that one doorway sealed up. And the bigger opening…. oh my! It’s just wonderful. So far, total, we have spent $90 dollars in this remodel. That’s it. The majority of the cost was from lumber, drywall and a good quality paint. Everything else we did was from found or gifted surplus, like the door trim from a house to be torn down. Heck, we found the table and chairs on the side of the road during big trash pickup day! Piano was given to us for free… Love our piano! Most of the decorations and such, we already had through the years, I just sort of mixed them up and readjusted them in the room. I still have to say, one of the best and most economical ways to change up a room is through paint! Even at $25 a gallon, it’s a great game changer and really can make a huge impact for very little money!
Well, we won’t be getting the pine boards for the opening until Monday and probably won’t actually put them up until Tuesday. And I think we are going to try painting the floor molding. Still, pretty darn close to done in here! Can’t wait!
Tomorrow, we are starting on the living room… first up, the ceiling paint job! It needs a good solid paint job to cover up our botched job of two years ago! (Note to self, never buy two different types of ceiling paint and expect it to match… oh my….) I have two good quality gallons of textured ceiling paint, ready to go up and do a great job in there! Monday, we will be picking up the wall color for in there… want the ceiling done first so we can work from the top down. We already moved most the furniture and knick knackery out and did a good cleaning. Can’t wait to see how that room looks when we are done! Onward and upwards!!!

Love all your improvements. It is a joy to see you all work together so nice.