The Deepwater MEN, excuse me…. (g) We’re trying to watch that whole bluegrass stereotype you know…
You can learn more about us and the band by visiting our website.
I kinda like the look of the site… it’s cool. We look pretty hip there I think. Well hip for bluegrass! Hahaha…
I really love playing music with all these guys. I feel honored that they don’t mind playing with me. Girls in bluegrass are not as common, though, that’s changing all the time. Used to be a pretty much man’s world… but that’s changing. I am one of the few girl banjo players in the area though. That’s for sure.
I know like 2 others… and one lady is more into clawhammer old tymey stuff. So that is kinda neat… and I know the guys kinda like the fact that I’m a little unique.
And well, I do the website, booking and keep most of the band paperwork and schedule going strong. (Girls are good for that…)
And I think I amuse them.
Here’s a pretty keen picture that I fooled around with in Photoshop. I call it our alien shot.
And here I was playing with Pioneer Woman’s action sets… oh I love that woman! I would marry her if she weren’t already married. How happy we would be… taking pictures and playing with photoshop and homeschooling all the youngins… and all our combined livestock? Oh that would be wonderful. She said she wanted to learn how to play the guitar, I could sure help her with that! HAHAHA….
Here is that’s 70’s look…
And here we are black and white….
Ha ha ha.. I could play around with this all day long. But I think I’ll stop now. Here’s a little video thing from the last show we played at the White Crow Conservatory in Saginaw Michigan. It was a hoot, and a nice road trip for us, over 2 hours! Unfortunately, only like 13 people showed up, but the best part is that my friends Brian and Donna showed up and that was wonderful, because they had never seen me play with my band before!
I hope they liked it…