Well… the moby only cost $800… but in the end, it was a little more to make it comfy and habitable!
Here is the whole low down on the cost and time and effort that went into making our little urban homestead ready for the winter…
Mobile Home $769.50
Custom Box Co. $49.54
Big Lots $61.65
Home Depot $97.76
Gardeners.com $79.80
Wendys $16.36
Wal Mart $34.20
Max & Ermas $48.27
Home Depot $244.11
Home Depot $84.69
East Chicago Pizza $15.99
Miejers $22.99
Boston Market $22.05
Home Depot $83.49
Home Depot $51.04
McDonalds $12.06
Lowe’s $131.21
Lowe’s 63.06
Lowe’s 101.43
Lowe’s 34.91
McDonalds $13.01
Lowe’s 60.96
Dollar General $25.25
Long John Silvers $8.77
Dollars General $4.27
Popeye’s Chicken $21.49
Menards $36.54
Dollars General $8.54
Big Lots $52.74
Day Cement $56.58
Home Depot $73.42
Ralphies $30.94
Long John Silvers $14.35
Lowes $11.67
City Q BBQ $18.76
KMart $60.33
Burger King $14.39
Meijers $67.37
Lowes $20.68
Meijers $56.69
Lowe’s $8.16
Dollar General $8.01
Burger King $12.26
Carpet Guy $70.00
McDonalds $5.25
Meijers $57.86
Lowe’s $73.15
Lowe’s 20.89
Lowe’s $12.72
Lowe’s $57.97
Lowe’s $13.23
3 Happiness $17.95
Ihop $21.84
KMart $65.00
U-Haul $47.79
Arbor Hills Dump $35.00
Lowe’s $379.15
Lowes $115.35
Lowe’s $14.80
Lowe’s $46.22
Goodwill $53.38
Lowe’s $65.67
Lowe’s $16.92
Lowe’s $12.75
Buckeye Cablevision $113.00
Meijers $57.86
Lowe’s $73.15
Lowe’s $20.89
Lowe’s $12.72
Lowe’s $57.97
Lowe’s $13.23
GRAND TOTAL: $4,261.00
My Budget was $3,000
Revised Budget is $3,500
Over Budget by $761.00
Last Revised Budget $5,000
(Can’t go much over that!
I’m done for awhile!(g))
65 Days So Far
(25 days been at
least 10 hours long
Rest of the time is an hour or so a day… )
With about 4 people a day working….1,000 man hours into the project
4,900 Miles So Far
at an average of 25 miles to the gallon and $4.00 a gallon… we’re talking: $784.00 in gas!
I’m no longer counting gas/miles because we are now permanently located in Toledo, Ohio.
Jessy & Maggie Chekal
Wilson & Earlene Birdwell
Jeff Birdwell
Steve Chekal
Dave Russell
Shelly White
J.B. White
Marv Clark
June 3, 2008
June 21, 2008
New Projected Move – In Date June 30, 2008
June 25, 2008
We are still a little rough, no tub or hot water, but it’s like camping, only with air conditioning!
August 10, 2008
Moved in, Hot Water, Bathroom closer to being done… still no tub, but toliet and vanity are in place! Needing flooring still in the main area, but bedrooms are done. Very livable, but still working on final look!
October 26, 2008
We have been living here now since June 25, 2008, and it is now the 4 month mark. Pretty much all the major structural projects are done in the house, with the except of fixing the front door. It works, though is a little out of plumb and should be an easy fix. Everything else is now cosmetic and we are going to stop keeping track of the cost and days and such… In the end, it cost us nearly $5,000… but we have a wonderful efficient mobile home that is over 900 square feet of living space and we OWN IT ALL!!!
Our lot rent is very very reasonable, and combined with all of our utilities, including internet, our monthly cost is just below $500. We anticipate the winter being a bit higher with gas, but then the summers are a bit lower.
Considering that in Michigan our monthly budget for a 1000 sq foot rental home was over $1700 a month, this is like living free! We just found out that even our property taxes are only $82 a year. You just can’t beat that.
Thanks for sticking through the whole rehab and we’ll post updates and beautification projects as we go along!
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