Doggies New Beds…

Over the weekend, I got a little crafting time in and managed to get a few doggie beds done!  Been wanting to make a few out of an old flannel sheet that I got at a garage sale over the summer.  I knew it would be nice and make a couple beds that I could stuff with old blankets and quilts.

As you can see, Ratchet was quick to grab one for his own!  He loves it!


Evee had a few technical issues when trying out her new bed.


Okay, now she has it figured out.

Of course, now she has to start causing trouble.  She’s like that.

Of course, now it turns into a full fledged episode of Big Time Dog Wrasling.  Ratchet and Evee are very good at putting the good dog wrastlin’ moves on each other.

Finally Ratchet won and decided to take over both beds as the victor!  It’s so cute to see the dogs curled up with the kitties, soaking up the snooze time with a nice warm flannel bed!

All I did was make a big pair of rectangles, like a pillow case.  I slipped the bedding material in and then ran a stitch on the short side to close it up.  Nothing fancy…  cost me about a buck for the sheet at a garage sale, and then I just had an old worn out comforter that I cut into piece that would fit in there nice.  Took about an hour at the most.  And that was really most of the time spent determining the size and how to cut the old comforter!  I actually got the material to make four beds.  Two we popped in the living room, one is under my desk and the other is out in the studio.  Its been rare not to see some critter snoozing on the lovely beds!



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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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