It was so cute and tidy. Easy to take care of. An hour and it was super clean. And an hour outside and the lawn was mowed, gardens weeded and everything neat and tidy.
I wish sometimes that Windhaven would be a little more polished and tidy and neat. But then, it took us 2 and half years to get the Moby all perfect and this place is umpteen hundred times bigger and more of a challenge.
So it should be perfect in about, oh 27 years. Haha… oh no!!!!!
I do miss the Moby though, we loved her so.

Do you remember the pics you posted of the place when you first saw it? Go back and read those first few posts you made… MILES AND MILES of difference hun!!!
Have you thought of hosting a big bbq work party? You could bbq up some of your chickens and have people help you clear out and fix up anything else on your list. Kinda like a barn raising without the barn! 😉
Thanks… yeah, I know it’s a HUGE improvement for sure! Just one of those things that you still see so many things that need to be done… but then, hey, that can happen when you have lived somewhere for years and years, too!
We tried once and it didn’t really come off, a work party. Everyone is so busy! And we’re a little bit off the beaten track. We’ve had friends come individually and give us a hand and that is so wonderful. And we just keep at it. Our neighbors are so wonderful, they help so much, we are so thankful! I just have to stop and remember that every day is a step forward and to enjoy every moment of it, every aching muscle after and every bit of time sitting and smiling at how wonderful it is. It truly is wonderful!!!
I don’t know who Freya is (though I’ve seen her comments alot here at your site, Sherri)but she sound like MY KINDA PEOPLE/FRIEND!!
…. but I can tell you- I have thought the same thing right along (Work parties)- ‘cuz out of the way or not, I’ve been there, done that for friends– old ones AND new ones; just like it’s been done for me.
I know it sounds like an empty statement as I live a couple of states away in Illinois, but I would have been at a work party for you, Sherri. Kevin might have to rest up a bit (depending on chemo) but he can chill with the chickens and I can learn how to wield a chain saw if need-be.
Smiles, Suzanne in NW IL @whycuzican
If I lived anywhere near you I would have shown up and worked too! 😉
Suzanne… I am from over on the Homesteading Today forum, same name. A group of us worked to get her over there to the “darkside”. LOL
Though it would be an honor and alot of fun to one day meet up with her!!!
Aw! You guys are fantastic! I’d love to be working alongside you guys! We would get so much done and just chat and visit too!!! Fun stuff! You’re all welcome anytime you want to come on over! (gg)
The very first time I ‘met’ you was on you tube and you were sitting on the toilet explaining how to put a new thread on the plumbing. LOL!
That was miles from the moby’s transformation, but you did it so beautifully. And you are doing the same thing here. Sometimes the needs and pressures of everyday life get in the way of seeing how much progress you’ve made in a short time. And, as you said, Windhaven is never going to be ‘done’. It’ll always be a well-loved work in progress! And I think I remember your own words of wisdom…something about stopping to smell the roses? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. (:
hugs, stef
Hahaha… well, I guess that is a memorable way of finding out about me. To clarify, I was sitting on the CLOSED toilet… hahaha.
I would love to do more videos and such but right now my internet is SOOOOOO slow and limited that I just can’t really do it. If I had my act together, I would do the video, get it ready and when I go to town, stop and upload it at a Panera Bread or some other wifi free spot! But alas… I am not that together! haha
p.s. without intruding on your privacy, what have you been up to inside the house? painting or rearranging stuff? You probably have not had time to do any canning, have you?
Well, during the summer and such, we try to focus on the outside. So really nothing much has been going on inside. We did move that huge free entertainment center into the living room and it actually really worked out well as an… ENTERTAINMENT CENTER!!! haha… Really all we’ve done inside is get the filing cabinets and move the studio around a bit. Just been so focused outside and that and being broke means that well, it’s all the labor no parts stuff that we’re trying to focus on! Someday our ship will come in! But until then, we’re just lazy homesteaders… I haven’t canned anything yet, my garden is not producing as much as I would like and I just haven’t gotten any really good deals yet on produce. The drought has really really messed stuff up. I am hoping tomorrow to go to the Archbold farmer’s market and see what I might score… I REALLY want to make pickles. Bread and butter and also garlic dill. That’s a goal for sure… And I am going to try and make crackers… yeah… cheese crackers for the first time ever, that should be interesting…
So stay tuned!!!