
All my life, I have been worried about what people thought of me.

I worried about my weight, I worried about my life choices, I worried about how I dressed and what I said. I’ve always tried to be a middle of the road person, never wanting to fight or have any sort of conflict in my life. I’ve let people say some very very untrue and unpleasant things about me, and done nothing but cry alone about it. Even loved ones. I have never wanted to rock the boat or cause anyone to dislike me. It’s been a fairly sad life some days, when I look back and realize that I allowed these people to ruin the life I was making, like acid rain falling on my beautiful marble building. Sure, just rotting away my exterior with little dings and pockmarks, hardly noticeable at first, but when you start to face 50 years of life, you look back and realize the damage they have done.

This last year, we have found peace and contentment that has healed so many of those little acid rain showers, I can not explain the joy and just gosh durn happiness that has come from this past year. When I see my daughters outside in the sunshine, just laying in a field and their kitties purring about them and us laughing and talking and just LIVING in the moment, so blessed and so content at such a simple pleasure, I know this is the way we want to live. We may not have a fancy car that cost twice what our whole farm cost. We don’t need it, we have good old Blue. And yep, guess what… Blue will fail, eventually, and we will get another old car. And that’s fine. We may not dress fancy or do the whole glam thing. And that’s fine. We’re happy and clean up fine when needed. We may not work as wage slaves for some corporation with fancy benefits and such, in exchange for our lives and together time. And guess what? That’s fine.

And you know what? I think that if you desire those things, by golly, you should have them. Just like we should have a little rough farm to rebuild. And live the way we want. I think everyone should be able to know how best to live their OWN life. Afterall, it is YOUR LIFE.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you will be criticized anyway.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

Had a rough night because of my daughters being upset over a conversation that they should have not heard. It was a long car ride home and they actually talked about their feelings as I did as well. It was very cleansing, yet very hard. I could hardly sleep until the early dawn when I finally had this overwhelming sense that my sadness was misplaced. That I had wasted enough time in my very short life worrying over what others thought. Others that really have but a small part in my life and yet I give them way too much time in my biography whilst cutting out the wonderful and supportive characters that should be given so much more screen time. I woke with a renewed sense of selfishness! Yes, selfishness…

That quote just floated to me from a vague Facebook friend. I took it to be a sign, a perfect timing of silly social fluff, but yet, it was just so true. So very true.

From this day forward, I am going to try so very hard to ignore the slings and arrows of those that might not understand, appreciate or just simply allow me to live the life that is best suited for me. And for my daughters. They are both adults at this point. Maggie will be 18 in a near 25 days. And I don’t know about you all, but I think they are most special and beloved children I have. Yep. Just like your children should be. I will encourage and nurture them until I leave this earth. I will support their dreams and I will meddle in their lives in a way that may drive them crazy but in the end, they will weep with my passing and have such an amazing collection of memories of our lives that it will comfort their hearts and fill them with my spirit’s warmth. I will have friends that know I will be behind them at every step I can be. I will have animals that know the gentleness of my touch and the safety of my shelter as they grow old and leave this often cruel and unpleasant world.

If I died tomorrow, I will be happy because of the sunshine on my face this moment and the beautiful green grass in my view. That is all I need to feel contentment. Everything else in this life is fleeting, it’s a moment passed and a moment lost. I’m not positive what exactly awaits us when it’s our time to finish our life’s book. I hope it’s pleasant. I hope it’s even one tenth of the serenity that I feel just sitting in the back of our fields, quietly petting old Jack in the sunshine with the spring breezes tickling my neck and face. Because, that my friends, is what works for me.

And thank God, you get to find your own contentment, whatever it might be. Because this is a beautiful life and wasting it worrying about others is just stealing you of the precious moments that could be so much more wonderful.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

–Reinhold Niebuhr

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Contentment…. — 19 Comments

  1. great post. yes, it is hard to not be influenced or feel anxiety around what others think, but it sounds like you are on the right path of not giving a crap! :) I too strive to achieve TOTAL not giving a crapness! πŸ˜‰
    You were discussed a few times in our house the other day and I wanted to tell you why. I have often times described my animals or children as “running around like a banshee” My husband laughs at me and tells me that banshees are NOT known for running, they are known for screaming. He even had to look it up in the dictionary to show me. It drives him crazy that I continue to use banshee in the running context! lol Well, I immediately called him to the computer to have him read about Domingo running around like a banshee! Thank you very much! It feels great to be validated. πŸ˜‰ Then it was part of the dinner discussion later that day as he was telling his mom about it! lol He still does not accept it, but I feel better. πŸ˜‰

  2. Oh No!!! Now I have to worry about your husband disapproving of my improper use of banshees athletic abilities! haha… (gggg) Well, I like to think of it as running AND shrieking… I guess he is right though… banshees are screamers. I will endeavor to correct my folkway sayings!! Haha… I wonder what does run about like.. hmmm… running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off! yah!!!!

    Hahaha…. thanks so much for writing and reading and thank you for that permission to not give a crap! haha… i love it!!!!!


  3. that is what I told him too. I don’t envision banshees as slow moving creatures. I envision them floating/gliding/RUNNING swiftly as they scream…..feel free to continue running banshee..I know I will. πŸ˜‰ folkway sayings give us character!

  4. This is so true. Somewhere recently — I suffer from massive info overload and can never keep these things straight, lol — I read that we women are more prone to those feelings, both of needing validated by other people and feeling guilty when we’re not.

    We’re in the process of converting a school bus to an RV/temporary living space, and I almost couldn’t get started for thinking of how we might be perceived in our “hippie bus.”

    I’m glad you hear you’ve found your Eden and are being able to enjoy the happiness it brings. :)

    • Haha… oh yeah, you guys are in for it… you hippies you… haha…. I love it!

      Yes, it’s amazing how when you think outside the box, even just a little bit, you scare people. You make them think that they too, should think outside of the box yet they are terrified to do so. You make them uncomfortable with your Bohemian spirit. I try and remember that usually those that snap back are those that are afraid. That helps me to understand where they are coming from…


  5. Beautiful post. Just like you and your girls. God Bless. “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” Psalm 56:8

  6. I wrote you a couple times..and then deleted matter what I say in comparison..doesnt take away the hurt. You have to know..those kinda people are EVERYWHERE..but when you take it so personal.

    Do you..or them (your kids) not envious we are out here..not only that you can have a piece of Gods heaven at Windhaven..but everyone has talents..and not everyone has the know how..or the turn this abandand farm into what you have! How many kids..never see their parents..because the parents are too “into” themselves to give attention to them. Your teaching them all those things that as adults theyll use. Invaluable! The love of caring for animals..watching babies grow…some kids have never even SEEN a farm animal!

    I know someone..whos 26, small size 1…five feet tall..tan, blue eyes and blonde hair…who inherited enough money..that she bought a brand new Mustgage..huge house…and has a perfect job with animals..and complains how much she hates life. My point is..having all those things..dont make you happy..for a short while maybe..but not in the long run.

    • You know, part of why I wrote that is because, I think people need to keep their noses in their own lives and live them the way they want to live them… I think if they would stop worrying about everyone around them and just use some of that energy to make their own world wonderful, the whole place would be such a lovely little world. There is a time and a place for that… when someone is dreadfully sick or injured or when they are in serious trouble and off the pathway, perhaps at a difficult crossroads…. but just because they are not in the same group of like minded people as you? Naw, that just needs to be kept to yourself.

      I’m envious of my life and I live it! hahaha…. I mean, there are times that I simply can not believe we are doing this, it’s our dream, it’s amazing. When I see the HUGE smile on my lovely daughter Jessy’s face when she’s holding the first bunny baby of her first litter, it is so wonderful… When I hear sweet Maggie’s laugh and silly comments when she’s playing with her chickens, it is so dear. When a troubled pony accepts his new happy fate and comes over to rub his head on you without bidding, that is so sweet. This little farm is just such a cultivator of happiness for so many people! Readers and friends and families…. I absolutely love it when little people come out and get to enjoy all that is Windhaven. I believe there are many of our friends in the city that think of this little place as “their” farm… they love the posts and pictures and news on the blog and on facebook. I love that. Everyone needs a little farm in their lives… haha…

      Thanks so much for the kind words…. they mean tons to us all.


  7. Your post was so true and very touching…people can be so cruel. You have the right ideas and your life seems very nice, I am sure many are envious of it. I live similarly (is that a word) lol. Just keep living as you are and enjoy your happy and joy filled life. As I have aged I have noticed a change in what is important.

    • Someone wrote that as they aged, all they needed was a bed, a table to eat, work and pray at, and the outdoors to call their own. I believe that so much… we’re having a garage sale next week and already I have been going through the house and saying, ugh, clutter. Gone…. more clutter… gone. I see the simplicity of life as the true blessing. It gives you the time to spend outside in a pasture just watching your sheep graze and feeling the warm sun on your face and taking a little nap… haha…. just wonderful. Can’t wait to get the hammock up… maybe this weekend!!!!


  8. Ah, contentment. For some folks it’s just out of reach,isn’t it?
    For the few who are fortunate…We are able to grasp it within our clutch and hold on tight to it…because it is what makes the dreams a reality.
    take care my beautiful friend you’re a blessing to your daughters and to your readers ~Pat

  9. You’re a sweetheart. I love reading about you and your daughters and all the joy you find in nature. Your post has come at a time in my life when I needed to read these words and know I’m not alone!

  10. What a beautiful post. I imagine that, as your daughters get older, they will be so incredibly grateful to you for allowing and encouraging them to live their lives in a way that makes sense to them, that makes them happy. You are giving them so many skills and experiences that no one can ever take from them. And, they will also learn to ignore other people’s opinions.

  11. I discovered your blog quite by “accident” three weeks ago (actually I think it may have been divine intervention). I was looking for mobile homerenovation stories and came across your Moby adventure. I have since read every post up to present day. I have been so inspired and awestruck by you and what you and your beautiful girls have accomplished. I am thrilled you are getting to live your dream. I believe God brought your story to me for a reason as I am also staring down the barrel of fifty and doing some serious reevaluating. Please keep up the good work and words and know you have really planted some positive seeds.

    • Aw… thank you. I hope that somehow I can touch a few folks and let them know you can dream big and make it happen. And you can do a lot when you just stay at it. There are plenty of days that I don’t feel like working hard, or days that just don’t suit me for whatever reason. I have to remind myself, I’m not 20 anymore. And that’s okay. I hope we can continue to keep making strides to getting everything done and to keep inspiring folks… I love that. Thank you so much for writing and God Bless!!!! I hope you can get your life on the pathway you want soon! It feels good…
