Craigslist SCORE!!!!

I have been dreaming about a picket fence to go between the screen porch and the garage, so that we can keep hoofstock and chickens from being in there as much.  So we can grow beautiful flowers and hostas and ferns and they won’t get eaten down.

And then, poof!  There it is!  One Craigslist…  only $50 for all of it!   Five big sections, two big gates, three smaller sections and hardware and extra pickets too!  Way cool!  Around here, picket fence sections are about $26 to $28 dollars EACH…  I am really happy!  Jessy will be happy too…  she would like it that the chickens will have a bit of trouble getting in there so easily…  she doesn’t like being mobbed whenever she goes out of the screen porch!  And I’ll be able to have my flower garden in the spring!  Wonderful!  Will have to wait a bit for the posts and the time to dig some holes and plant a little cement….  haha…  but hey, they look pretty good just all set up and leaning on each other!  I wonder if I were to tiewrap them and use a few bird feeder poles if they would stand up better.  At least until the goats decide to climb them!  The goats are funny to watch as they play and frolic about.  I give the wobbly fence about 12 hours, max.

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Craigslist SCORE!!!! — 3 Comments

  1. I LOVE picket fences..I had one myself for 20 yrs. I planted grape vines on mine..which eventually..overtook the fence..but it looked really the added benefits of grapes. They are hard to hold paint tho..about every 5 yrs or so…and they do crack..split easily..but I call all that “character” and loved mine. Its STILL standing at the old house I had. My issue was…does the fence…follow the the illusion of a fence that is not straight across..OR make it straight and even (which is what I did..but had to cut the bottom with a jigsaw..or in some areas..leave a big gap. With the animals..that would probably be an issue. Either way..a picket fence..full of flowers and a beautiful atmosphere. What a did good !
    Loved your pictures on this weekends get together..thanks for sharing..enjoy your updates and the pictures.

    • wish I could uploaded some pictures of before and after with the grapevines..LOVE THE GRAPES..I planted a vine centered on every post..and usually one vine makes about 25 feet..and when they start to grow..vines might even have to back cut some..but what beautiful greenery they make..esp. with the white picket fence peeking thru. :)

    • We have way too much grape vine around here! haha… It’s EVERYWHERE.. I’ve pulled out a lot of it as it has been growing all over the house and outbuildings and in the hedge. Maggie and I are going to harvest some of the concord grapes this weekend and make jam! But I think that I will def plant morning glories on the fence because it is pretty with stuff growing on it!!! I can’t wait to actually get it set into the ground properly!!! Maybe this weekend… we’ll see how things go! Thanks for writing!!!
