Oooooohhhhh….. Cute Baby Goatie!

Julia, my neighbor, texted me to say that Nanni, her little pregnant pigmy goat’s water had broke and it was time! Oh boy! I thought, well, I have a few minutes at least, I’ll finish up what I was doing, grab my camera and get down there. They’re just over the hill and down the road a wee bit.

Needless to say, I got there TOO LATE! Haha… apparently Nanni was READY and she just didn’t take long at all! Which, if I had to ask, would be the best way for her to have her first baby… QUICK!

Awwww…. isn’t she a cutie? They all did such a good job of helping the momma out and helped her clean up the baby and keep everything calm. At one point I called my friend Donna for a few bits of advice, since she’s been raising and delivering baby goats for years. We were just mostly worried about the afterbirth and how long it might take to expel it, and how to tell a boy from a girl… and how long till the little fella would be up and nursing… If you’re curious… it can be several hours, check for one or two holes under the tail AND they should be up and att’em within a half hour or so, probably sooner!

And it’s a GIRL!!!! Two holes under the tail!!!! Yeah!

We were a little bit curious that there might be another, as she was pretty distended and all, but she wasn’t pushing or acting like she was in labor anymore, just licking her little baby all over! Donna said first time mommas can be a little over zealous with the licking, but I guess that probably helps to create a good strong bond between the two!
Daddy was next stall over and curious about the goings on, but clearly the baby looked a lot like mom! A mini-me version of Nanni.

Oh my gosh, she’s only the size of a little house cat! So tiny… ah… now I think a baby goat would be a fun companion to the sheepies!!! (gg) We’ll have to see!

All’s well, that ends well! It’s been a SUPER busy week here at the farm and well, just down the road! And it’s been a wonderful ride!!! The Beakmen Boys are settling in nicely with Einstein, and the new chicks are happy, healthy and feisty… the bun buns are learning to like us and we almost have all the fencing done for the sheep arrival on Monday!!! OH MY GOSH, that’s tomorrow!!!!! Time to get cracking!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Oooooohhhhh….. Cute Baby Goatie! — 2 Comments

  1. Oh so cute! I love goats they have such cute expressive faces. I had to smile at The Beakmen Boys (love their show they seem like such nice people). Wow you have a lot going on at the farm!