My First Morning Sunrise…

It’s been so rainy, or I’ve been sleeping in… so I haven’t been able to catch a misty farm morning… but I got one today!

And I’ve been sitting here watching it evolve and it’s so beautiful.

This is going to be a fantastic week, I feel it in my bones!

Good morning everyone!!! What is on your plate for this week? Share with us some of your wonderful plans and dreams that you’re going to work on this fantastic spring week in May!!!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


My First Morning Sunrise… — 7 Comments

  1. Garden ready, we’ll be planting some things (but not tomatoes or peppers) tonight. We’ll wait a while for the tender plants till we think the weather has settled.

  2. I am so glad you are enjoying your new home. Looks like you will have many new adventures, hard work, sore muscles, fun and laughter.

    I just noticed you stopped into my blog a while back and I did not respond. For some reason my blog does not tell me when someone has commented. So it gets lost sometimes. Thanks for coming by my blog. Wishing you many happy times in your new home.


  3. Been following u for awhile…Dreams are an amazing thing aren’t they and to believe in and follow them..Good on U!!!! I love seeing people living and being dreams..

    In Artistic Solidarity;

  4. My plans this week involve repotting a snake plant, and purchasing more indoor shade loving plants. This is the extent of my green thumb. I get very little light in my house.
    Love the sunrise picture.
    Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!

  5. I have been doing yard work for about 2 weeks. Glad you girls have moved in !! Beautiful Sunrise!!!

  6. What a great photo! I’m so glad you ladies are all settled in there now. This week was going to be the week I finally buy a new-to-us vehicle, but my hubby says the word at work is that things may not be good soon, so now we wait. I hate when that happens. Our beloved van has the same transmission issue as Gunnar and is so frustrating. But other things are doing well. Our raised bed is doing wonderfully and we harvested a bunch of spinach already.