Well, it’s not quite that many chapters but it is beginning to seem that way. We went and got 10 more bags of sand… 500 more pounds of sand. And that’s it. I’m not buying ANYMORE SAND…
We’ve now added over 1,000 pounds of sand to our moby home lot.
Note to self. Don’t dig so dang deep when you want to lay patio stones.
The “we’re cheap and don’t want to rent a roller” method of tamping down leveling sand. Works pretty good actually.
Jessy takes a turn at scraping with the 2 x 4. And yes, I did it too! It really works nicely, it kinda scrapes a little off while leveling it out nice too. We didn’t do that last year and I wish we had… it would have been a little nicer.
But it’s pretty nice now!
We put pea gravel between the stones to keep them nice and in place. And it’s kinda purdy looking. We’re going to put river rock around the outside of the patio when it’s all done.
And of course… we ran out of patio stones. Yes… no more patio stones.
When the van comes back, we’ll be able to FINALLY finish the Patio that Never ENDS!!!! I can’t wait to get the fire pit out and burn something in celebration on the new $150 patio!!!
Of course, I had hoped it would be more like a $50 patio… hahaha… but nothing ever seems to work out that easily in home remodeling, eh?
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