My Meyer Lemon Bloomed!

Oh how exciting… my Meyer lemon tree bloomed today! It’s scent was so strong that even I could smell it with my cold! It was so beautiful, and I am going to do a little plant sex in the next day or two, so transfer a little pollen from blossom to blossom. There are two other blooms still waiting to let loose. I can’t wait to see if I’m successful in creating a new little lemon growing in the world!!!! How cool is that?

I also noticed that in our fruit and veggie store, they had special Meyer lemons in a bag, two bags for $3. Now, I’ve never tasted a Meyer lemon and it is said that they are sweet, but also tart, a slightly different taste than the traditional lemons we are used to. I’m going to see if Jessy will help me make a Meyer lemon sorbet in our little ice cream maker… we did it before with normal lemons and it was just amazing. Can’t wait to try it with these!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


My Meyer Lemon Bloomed! — 2 Comments

  1. That’s a great photo of your little tree.
    I also am sooo jealous of your little tree! (not really) But I’m glad it bloomed for you.
    I am trying my luck at sprouting an avocado tree– I’ve got three I’m trying to sprout. I love avocados and hate to pay the price for them.
    Good luck with your lemon plant sex in the next few days! LOL… that’s weird to say that. but hey, you said it first!…
    Hey if God gives you lemon trees– might as well make lemons right?