Our Apple Harvest

Our second year of apples here at the Moby Estate… and it was 8 times larger than last year!

If some of you have been reading for awhile, here at the MobileHomeWoman…. you remember last year when our brand new mini-orchard actually produced a REAL APPLE.

Well, this year… that one little tree (Miss OverAcheiver) produced not one but 9 apples! And we just picked them!

Making the arrangements for all the production picking equipment to be booked and of course, calling in the pickers and sorters for this amazing second year harvest was tough work, but we managed to make it through the harvest season.

All 5 minutes of it.

But I think they are beautiful because we grew them and we nurtured them and visited the little tree and urged her on. I’m hoping her sisters will take the hint and next year actually try and get one or two of their own done. One little tree expired, but I have two waiting in the wings for next spring. Another of the first 5 is a little gamey looking, it’s not looking good. It might end up being replaced as well.

In the meanwhile… we’re just so excited! I know that young trees just don’t produce much fruit for a few years, so getting 9 apples this year is very exciting!

We actually have 13 dwarf fruit trees on the Moby estate. 7 apple, 3 pear, 2 cherry and 1 peach. The peach tree had fruit on it but then one day they all disappeared. I think our little pair of squirrel friends helped themselves in the afternoon or evening to them. We don’t have roaming packs of children, so I doubt anyone took them. Two were left with the pits still hanging. I know we have raccoons in the area as we startle them now and then when we let the dogs out to potty. And I’ve seen a possum too, though I’m not sure if they would eat fruit. Probably, they looked really nice just before they disappeared! May have to net them next year when the harvest time gets close!

I think we’ll be making a special Moby Apple Pie tomorrow or the next day… right now we’re just admiring the little yard gems!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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