Why wattle fencing that is…
It’s SO cool looking. I want to do all my raised beds in wattle fencing, but the problem is… the sticks are not easily obtained around here. Or actually anywhere in the US. It’s a British thing, you see. I think that’s a shame! It’s so pretty and so green and I would just love to border my beds with willow wattle fencing.
Here’s a cool article about wattle fencing…
I found this wonderfully delightful blog about a homesteader on the Puget Sound in Oregon, I believe… and I spent the afternoon reading his whole blog, it’s got to be one of my new favorites. You can visit it HERE…
He had a photo of a fence that he saw at some point in his travels and it’s beautiful… a fence of twigs and limbs of trees… and then he started to make one free form, from his Madrona trees… it’s simply stunning!
Sigh…. I think I’m going to have to plan a day SOON… when it’s a little cool out, to go over and visit Frans! They have a HUGE HUGE brush pile that is one day going to be a bon-fire but I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t mind if I cherry pick out some of the nice long thin sappling poles to try a little wattle fence building soon. I just want to try it, and see, if just native tree limbs might work. I’d love to get rid of the little black wire cheapy fence I have around my strawberries and raspberries… Hmmm………

I’m planning on wattling my new chicken run this spring — now if all this SNOW would melt I could get to it!! I went out just now to cut a few saplings and play around, but alas, I realized my trimming tools are in the little shed that is buried by over 5 feet of icy snow. Anyhoo — we have tons of willow around here, but really any sapling will do! Especially the tree of heaven/swamp maples that grow up everywere but you never want, those work great.
Neat photos of tree limb fences/wattle fences. Curious how you work from home, and love the goals you have…going to check out the other blogs you mention. Makes me miss my gramma, who forgot more than most will ever know!
Curly willow should do well in your area and they are nice for wattle. You can buy a couple of sticks cheaply at Whole Foods. They root easily in water with a little dirt thrown in. When they’re quickly established, they love to be whacked back.