We have been buying these little drawstring bags from a wholesale source in China. And we ran out. Problem is, we thought we had more tucked away and we didn’t. And it takes at LEAST a month to get them from this supplier. We looked all over in the US for them, but the only ones were at least 3 times as much as the Chinese source, including shipping. Very disappointing.
Until I thought… heck, I can make a drawstring bag. And probably just as nice as the ones we were using. They weren’t that fantastic. Certainly usable and they worked fine, they just were not super fancy or anything.
So, last week one of my projects was to give it a try. I got 2 yards of nice velvety cloth and a bit of drawstring and got started. Turns out, I can actually make them for 25 cents less than the Chinese! Imagine that. And it took me about an hour to cut and then make 10 bags. I have enough cut to make 30 more, but we only needed 5 at the time, and I had some other things on my to-do plate.
Nice thing about working at the Moby Mine, are all the critter inspectors. Loki, the ferret was out on play furlough and decided to climb up my leg and come and inspect my work. She promptly decided to try and steal the roll of drawstring, of course, so I think that means she approved.
Sure felt rewarding to find that we could actually make our own product even better. Completely made in the USA. And all by our little hands. I think I’ll take a little time this week and sew up the rest so they are all done. Shouldn’t take me more than an couple hours at the most. Now that I’ve got the swing of it. And I’ll bet the girls could do it as well, they are becoming great seamstresses!