I’m secretly planning to become a rebel in my moby home park. Yes, I’m going to install a retractable clothes line and I’m going to use it. Just for a few things, mind you, towels and jeans mostly. And I’ll use the hammock as well, it’s great for little hand towels and such.
And I’m going to buy one of those little portable hand washers too. To use here to extend our time between visits to the Laundromat. It will be for undies and kitchen towels and maybe even a shirt or two now and then.
Which we will hang dry in the sunshine. The FREE SUNSHINE…. which makes clothes smell wonderful and helps save tons of electricity and carbon and all that jazz.
I think it’s dreadful that in this fine country, hanging out a load of wash is something akin to leaving a car up on blocks and a old sofa on your porch. I mean, honestly… hanging clothes in the sweet sunshine and breeze is something that is so nostalgic and memory driven, as children running through the sheets and playing in the clean laundry… to the puppy that drags it off the line and has to be scolded! Yet all across the nation, it’s frowned upon in SO many areas as being “unsightly”. That’s dreadful. It’s dumb.
So I’m going to start. Of course, we don’t do tons of laundry, but still, once a week or so I will be putting out my wet things and letting the sun do it’s job.
So visit this site and learn more and become a Laundry LIne Rebel with me!

Hope you’re okay, you went quiet there on us! (I need my Mobile Home Woman Fix!)
only thing is, if u have smaller children it’s very difficult to drag all 15 laods in and out URSELF *while* chasing kids out of the cars’ ways and keeping them out of other customers’ ways. and then those 2 or more hours is spent entertaining kids who want to RUN and be loud. i won’t talk about trying to fold 15 loads w/even just 1 toddler in a laundromat. LOL
someday maybe ur method would work, but not for fams w/kids under say 10 or 12 who aren’t able to entertain themselves.
whoops; that comment above went w/ur every 3wks laundromat-run article…don’t know how it ended up here that i wrote it –sorry!
I never know what you’re going to do next! I really enjoy reading your blog – it’s fresh and different from everything out there…