Hanging out at the Puppy Corral


Take one goofy pup that is feeling her oats finally and is ready to be a little terror and decide after several run-offs that you need a little safe spot in the yard for her.

Go and get a bit of garden green wire, oh, 15 feet or so, and make a little shaped pen and pop her down in it and sit nearby with a camera and a cool drink after working on the yard and enjoy her playful puppy antics.

Oh yeah, add Luna.


And Gypsy. Because as much as she doesn’t like to bothered with the pup, she is very protective of all the moby livestock.

Oh yeah, and she’s there because she heard there was going to be food. Puppy food. Which she has learned that messy puppies rarely eat all their chow and big black protecting aunts get to eat up quick when no one is looking.

Luna has figured this out as well.


Have a nice time, hanging out, playing with toys, and being a little more safe. Evee is quick, and if you turn your back and do a little gardening or just walk here or there, she’s liable to decide she wants to check out the neighbors or look at the cars or play with tulips in the front. It’s a big new world and she’s gotta check it all out.

Luna decided it was time to leave when she found out all the puppy chow was gone.


Doesn’t she have nice jumping form? I wonder if there is a cat show jumping competition… she’d really do well. I caught her in mid flight!


Then Edward has to come and join the party. He likes to be out in the grass and sunshine. He doesn’t mind dogs at all. Gypsy just figgers he’s another of the livestock responsibilities that she has.


Evee has never met Edward yet. They are being formally introduced here.

“Evee, Edward. Edward, Evee”

Evee is not sure what to think of this latest varmit in the collection here at the Moby. She LOVES the ferrets and will herd them around and tussle with them. The ferrets are surprised that anything would actually tussle with them and are a bit repulsed by the idea. But with that strong herding instinct in her, Evee is fairly gentle, but persistant and likes to follow those fuzzy ferrets around in the living room.

And it seems that she’s figured out guinea pig herding as well.

Much to Edward’s annoyance.


Edward sought the protection of his mom and they sat and had a nice time, nibbling clover and keeping a goofy pup from invading his space.

We thought about getting a big puppy corral and all, but at $75 to $100 or more, it just seemed like overkill. Once she gets a little bigger, it will be easier to have her out and on a leash, or hanging with us. Aussies are very good at heeling and following and already she’s good at it. But she’s also very interested in the whole new world, and at 3 AM and it’s raining, it’s a lot easier to have a safe place for her to go and do her duty, then to be trying to find her in the dark.

Don’t ask me how I know that.


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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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