Jars are Great


Lately, I’ve really been into saving jars. And buying things in jars, when I need to buy things. I’m trying to avoid plastic, if I can. I’m not crazy against plastic, it’s just, well, there is a LOT of plastic around and frankly, it’s got to go somewhere and usually that place is a dump or landfill. People just don’t recycle plastic to the degree that it comes into our lives.

Jars, and glass, on the other hand, have a very high reuse and recycle quota. And they just seem to be better at storing and keeping things in the pantry and all through your home. A glass jar filled with buttons or paints or candies just seems to look much more appealing than a plastic one.

If you don’t reuse glass jars, you should give it a try. We reuse them for many things in the kitchen, including saving leftovers and other things such as chopped onions or cheese. We use them for our soda syrups for the SodaStream machine. And you can freeze in them as well. Be sure to leave a little top space when freezing liquids. Of course, canning with jars is delightful, but even commercial jars and bottles can be very useful in the home.

When I shop, I do try and pay attention to things that come in green friendly packaging. I avoid those things that are overly packaged, or that have a lot of plastic and all wrapping them. I like cardboard things and glass jars best. And I do my best to not use even the produce bags if I can avoid it. If I want a pair of peppers, I’ll just pick them up and put them in the cart. I’m going to wash them before using anyway. I hope to sew up some lightweight mesh bags soon to bring for loose produce. Of course, soon, the Farmer’s Markets will start up and that will be wonderful. Farmer’s Markets always love it when you bring your own bags and containers. I love how that works.

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Jars are Great — 1 Comment

  1. I’m beginning to love glass jars as well. They make great mugs in the winter. Just pop them into the freezer and use as needed. There’s also, of coard, Mason-ade and Mason-tea. I can’t waiting until ruhbarb and strawberries are in season so I can start canning again!