It’s Official….


According to Google.

Yep. I am top of the search engine heap when you type in mobile home woman. And who did I beat out? About 27,000 news articles mostly about misforunate accidents in mobile homes regard women whom live in them. Kind of freaked me out. Just a teeny bit.


Yep. And when Google says it’s true, I believe them. Afterall, search engine optimization is a very big and cool thing and I think I do a pretty good job of it. I do run about 60 websites, ya know. I have learned a few things about the internet and all that.

But you know what I think is so super cool and better than all that? (Although being the mobile home empress of the world is pretty cool…. ) I just love that there are over 72 of you that stop in EVERY DAY!!! How neat is that? And you apparently find something of interest that keeps you coming back! Now I can understand my Dad reading it… (Hi Dad!!!!) and a few of my friends…. (hee hee hee….) but 72? And somedays it’s even up near 150 a day!!! Wow.

Of course, then I worry, well, those 78 that don’t come back, did I say something that offended them? I hope not!)

But it’s pretty swell too, to see that people come from all over the world to visit!!! That is so neat. I mean, sometimes when my girls are gone and it’s a weekend and my friends are busy with their families and such, it can get a little quiet and sometimes a little lonely here at the Moby. But I feel oddly comfortable that 72 people on average will drop in, check on me and the kitties and of course Gypsy and Edward and make sure we’re alive. Sometimes they leave a little comment on the stoop… a little hi! How are ya! But most the time, they are just peeking in the window and seeing what I’m up to and then wandering off, hopefully with a little smile on their face and a reminder to check in tomorrow. That’s so sweet.

I hope that I can continue to give you something to look forward to each day, and maybe a little wisdom or something neat, or at least, a funny picture of the livestock or some cool homesteading link. I’ve met some wonderful folk here already and I’m really excited that I’m heading around the corner to post 500. Wow… that’s a lot of posts!!!

Well, thanks again for making me the Google Queen of the World. HAHA… I promise not to let it go to my head. Of course, it might, just a teeny bit. Just a little.

Heres a few interesting facts about the Mobile Home Woman Blog….

Last year… I had 12,152 unique visitors to the blog. About a thousand a month.

This year so far, 2,538… which is actually more per month, since it’s only the 10th of February!

92% of you all live in the US… followed by Canada, Australia and United Kingdom.

22% of you stay longer than an hour when you visit! Another 43% of you visit for at least 5 minutes or more.

The top US states are….


(haha… Unknown? It made the top of the list!)

Apparently though, I need to do a little PR work in Delaware and Wyoming. They are at the bottom of the list. Of course, Wyoming I understand because I don’t think a ton of people live there and problably even less have computers and internet in remote locals… and of course, Delaware is prettttttty durn small, so they get the tail end of a lot of statistics…. but still… I think we’ll have to work hard to spread the word out there about the Mobile Home Woman. I’m sure it will brighten their day, don’t you think?

And here are the top searches that brought new readers to me!!! This is what they Googled and how they came to me. Some are kind of funny, I think.

Space Heater (twerp)
emergency conditions beyond ups’ control
the old mobile home woman
i bought a new used computer
“late bloomer driver”
mobile home blog
i went and bought myself a new used computer themobilehomewoman
mobile homes and homesteading
home made candles -how to make
pictures of decks and portches on mobile homes
Storing tin cans in the frig
mac mini
“connected knitting needles”
frozen pipes
yarn balls
i would like to rent my land for a couple mobile homes but, I dont want to start a park
mobile home blogs
add a porch to a mobile home
mobile home covered porches
mobile home frozen pipes
mobile home woman

Yeah… the UPS weather thing is kind of funny. Yarn Balls is another one. Hmmm.

Well, thought that was a little insight into the world of search engine optimization and how it relates to my little old moby home blog! Cool!

Thanks to you all for stopping by! Why don’t you leave a comment and let me meet some of you lurker folk! Tell me what you’d like me to write more about and I’ll give it a shot!

And in the meanwhile…. thanks!!! You all make my day, every day!!!!


(Yeah, I actually painted my living room in my old house purple after I was divorced. Heck it was cheap therapy and kinda fun. I like purple.)

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


It’s Official…. — 5 Comments

  1. I wonder if I count on your stats as stopping by? I have your blog as a feed on google reader, I only come to your blog if something inspires me to write a comment.

    And I can’t remember what I was googling when I first found your blog, none of the ones you’ve listed sound like anything I’ve ever googled. It might have been a link from another blog, not a search.

  2. That is so cool. When my computer crashed and I was trying to find you, I think I might have typed in a few myself. haha Sometimes I will hit your blog several times/day just to see if you have posted anything. I love your blog – it always puts a smile on my face. I even had my husband come in and watch the snow plow man today. Like I think I said once before, I wish I could run across the street to have a cup of coffee with you. Thanks for making me smile. P~

  3. I’m the Texas…it’s me, me!!!! I come by a few times every day to check for new posts. I love your blog, it’s great!

  4. That is hilarious and creepy all at the same time! I love your blog, I check in every day!!

  5. Yes, you’re right…. just a teeny bit creepy… I think it’s the whole thing that after my listing on google… every listing is like Mobile home woman burned to death in a fire, or woman found dead in a mobile home or woman barely escaped from mobile home fire or so on and so on. You mean I’m the only postive role model for mobile home women? Hmmm…. I should start a magazine or something… Mobile Home Living… hahaha

    Thanks you all for checking in and saying hi!!!! It means so much for me! And yeah, Pat, that would be cool… it would have to be tea though, or those Cafe Mochas from McDs… they are the only coffees that I like so far.

    Dreaming of Chickens!!!!!
