The 2:30 report

Well… this is how it looked around 2:30… Maggie went out to shovel a bit and let Gypsy have a little silly time. That dog LOVES SNOW…. It’s almost 4 and all that she shoveled, is already covered in snow again. Not as deep, but probably another inch at least.

We’ve been working on stuff, Jessy on her rocks, me on a website, and Maggie school. I just stopped for a bit to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. That just sounded good. Actually, a nap sounds delicious! HAHA… but I have to finish this site. It’s almost done. Nappy time will have to wait.

We officially called band practice. It’s just going to keep up and be no fun at 10:30 this evening when we’re all done. Rob and Tim don’t have as far to go, but Jeff and I have a good deal further and I just really don’t want to test the wagon out in this yucky stuff. The blue wagon is a little low slung, her belly scraps the speed bumps in the park if we’re not careful. I really don’t want to get stuck somewhere dumb, in the dark, in the cold. Yuck. Practice can wait till Thursday.

Jack’s in the house, and even the birds are done at the feeders. All morning and afternoon they have been eating at the feeders like crazy. But now, it’s quiet. No more birds. I can see a couple cardinals all tucked into the big pine tree, I believe they are settling in for the night a bit early. They know better.

I was washing dishes for a bit and it’s pretty cool to watch out the kitchen window at the snow falling and swirling and you can hear it lightly blowing and roaring at times. Mobile homes are awesome for hearing the sounds outside very clearly. The pounding rainstorms, the howling winds, and of course, blizzardy gusts of snow. The wind is definintely let up some, but the snow is steadily falling. It’s not wet or heavy, but it’s steady. says we’re not even to the middle of the system yet. Chicago’s getting slammed still.

It’s a little weird, the snow. Around the big pine tree, it’s pretty shallow. But go out a foot or two in the yard and it’s much deeper. You can see the dunes of snow forming here and there. All because the wind is pushing the stuff around. It’s coating parts of my shed, and has buried the strawberry and raspberry bed and is almost buried the fence as well. We’ll probably go out in an hour or two and shovel again, seems a lot easier to keep up on the little patio and walk, rather than let it all pile up. Our really nice snow shovel is buried in our cluttered shed and we can’t seem to find it!! (Note to self… spring cleaning, really thin out the shed clutter….) So we have this little plastic cheapy, so it seems prudent to use it a little more often for less snow, then to wait for 10 inches and try and clear it all off.

Well, back to work. I need to finish this site for my buddy Scott. It’s my last client site for awhile, I’m swearing off them! HAHA… I need to work on personal publishing projects and all for awhile. We’ve got 4 new Hot Licks Bluegrass Music projects ready to be formatted and finished up, and a few more homeschooling projects and then I can get into some brand new stuff, so I’m getting excited about that. So I need to finish this site up and I’ll admit, I’m kinda victim to that school kid thing of wanting a SNOW DAY!!!!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


The 2:30 report — 1 Comment

  1. Thanks for posting all of this, I keep coming back for more. Facinating stuff for us southerners, but it doesn’t look like alot of fun for you guys, except for Gypsy! Most of us are familiar with your yard from all the gardening posts last year so it’s interesting to see the “before and after” with all the snow falling. It’s an entirely different perspective then what I see on the news.