Freezer Fun


Since we got the freezer, I’ve been happy to pick up a few goodies that are day old and super duper cheap! So I’ve been poking around on the web for cool freezer tricks! And then I came up with my own!

I got a pair of these nutty coffee cake goodies on sale, buy one get one free AND they had been marked down to only $2.99! So for 3 dollars I got two big coffee cakes! Yum! However… my girls hate walnuts so thats a lot of coffee cake for me. Of course, I wanted to freeze them, but if I just pop them in the freezer, then to use them I have to thaw the whole thing!

Then I thought… hey… I’ll PRECUT it before I freeze it… that way I can just go and take out a piece of two and have it when I want a piece. And the rest stays frozen and it will probably last me a month or more this way. I might even repack the stuff so it doesn’t dry out or getting super stale.


Have you ever heard of Bento Box Lunches? It’s a Japanese thing.. and really a lunch art! All over moms in Japan started to make these cute little food art lunches for their children and they store them in these little layered boxes… it’s just the coolest thing!


At first thought, I’m thinking… wow, way too much work for me to make something like this! But it’s so creative and neat looking, and I started to read the blog and more about it and then I find that most Bento making moms do a lot of freezer craft and make several of each little dish so that assembling the Bento is easy, you just go to the freezer, pick this and that, add a little fresh veggie or fruit, maybe crackers, condiments and such, and you’re out the door in 10 minutes or less! How cool!

So it was neat to see all the cool tips and ideas there about saving time by using the freezer in a very conveinent way. I love the idea of saving ground meat in small pillow packs… easy to use just what you want instead of having this big thick hunk of ground meat. And I’ll bet it will thaw quickly and store neatly in your freezer!


Go and visit this awesome blog….

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Freezer Fun — 2 Comments

  1. Warning: Do NOT google “bento” and start looking at all the cute ideas . . . next thing you know it will be four hours later . . :)

  2. In my senior year of high school, I vowed to pack my lunch the whole year. It was very sucessful and my lunches were envied. Most of what I brought was either homemade or vegetables and fruit as a rule. You really do get crafted when you don’t want to have the same thing for lunch every week! Thankfully the cafeteria had a microwave that students could use. I took a lot of freezer dishes then. Now that I’m out of school until spring, I only need to pack two lunches a week for my job. I sort of lost the art that I had because I’m not packing six lunches a week anymore! The bento boxes remind me of this happy time.