Tomato Report


The Mr. Stripey heirloom tomatoes are doing pretty nicely. They are super good to eat just sliced warm from the garden and a little salt. I didn’t get lots, but they are huge, nice big and beefy tomatoes. I have eaten at least 4 or 5 of them and given away at least as many.

They don’t get a super red, but a sort of red and orange streaky, hence their name, I’m sure. But they are definately a tomato that I want to have next year. Really good eating.

We had a weird year for water… rain was on and off just a little too much at the times that we really needed some nice consistant moisture. I am pretty sure that I want to invest in some nice soaker hoses for my main large beds. I think that will be much easier then trying to keep the plants hydrated with just standing there with the hose. It would take a good two hours to water everything and I didn’t always have that time and would forget and then everyone would get wilty.

My water pressure is not good… I have to have some pipes replaced deep in the crock and I just didn’t have the money for that this year. It’s not too expensive, but something that I just can’t do myself. So I’m going to have to have Fred the plumber come out and do it. He’s awesome and very reasonable, but since I really don’t need it till next spring, I think it’s something I’ll wait on.

I planted way too many grape and cherry tomatoes. I have them ripe on the vines and not wanting to pick them, I have that many! HAHA… I will pick them though, I was thinking of trying to dry them and then preserve them in herbed oils. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. Not sure of my schedule. I hear you can then take the dried herb tomatoes and grind them in the food processor and make awesome sauces for garlic bread or pasta.

Since I am the only one to eat raw tomatoes in the moby, I beleive next year? No grape or cherry tomato plants. I just don’t eat that many on salads and such.

I know these are not tomatoes…. but my sweet peppers are just going to town! I already picked the main crops and they flowered again and are setting all new peppers! I’m pretty sure they will make it to picking sizes. Pretty cool. I will absolutely add a lot more peppers to my beds, they were beautiful and sure good in salsas and stewed tomatoes! YUM!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Tomato Report — 1 Comment

  1. I hate fresh tomatoes. There I said it! I didn’t mind the meat part of it, but it’s the weird gel like part of it that I really don’t like. But I do like peppers!