Shutter of the Month Delivery!


Look what Tim found when he was out scrapping!

Three set of shutters!!!! And they are the same style and color as the ones I’ve been buying!!!

How cool is that?

They’re a little rougher in condition then the brand new ones, but hey, they will look awesome on the southside of the Moby! I wasn’t sure if I was going to have enough funds to do all the windows but now, I’ll only have like one more window to do!

And look what we’re going to do with the little kitchen window pair…

One pair was shorter and we considered cutting it, but it would look bad. So he hung them with extra at the bottom and this week’s project is going to be to make me a little flower box to attach underneath it! How cool. We’ll paint it green to match and I think I saw a really cute little black iron scroll support brackets that would look nice underneath the box. I definately am going to have to get a little bottle of those water absorbing crystals for containers though, because it’s pretty high up and watering it will be tricky, no doubt. But you know, worse comes to worse, I can always put some ah, fake greenery up there, just to look like herbs or something!

I’m going to try the water crystals and like a plastic insert to hold in the rain water as best as possible. I can’t wait! I love the idea of having some nice decoration on the upper sides of the Moby. I’ve noticed that so often mobile homes look kind of out of scale. People tend to plant small around them, and that makes the moby stand out more, it’s out of scale. But encouraging things to grow tall and up the moby, makes the scale of decorating more balanced. I’m actually thinking about dugging up my three little pines in the front because they are browning and not triving there. And I want some faster growing plants up there, to get the scale bigger and all. Pretty soon the fall stock will come out at the big box stores and they always have some nice sized contractor’s specimens that are pretty reasonably priced. We’ll just have to wait and see!

But doesn’t it look pretty! I’ll have more photos middle of the week when the box goes up and the other shutters on the south side are done! I hope the sunflowers start blooming over there too!

Thanks Tim!!!!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Shutter of the Month Delivery! — 3 Comments

  1. That is such a great find, how lucky for you that your friend spotted them.

    I like the idea of the window box under the kitchen window. Could you lean out the window to water it?

  2. That window is in really bad shape and will probably be replaced before winter. Right now you can’t open it… Once I get a new window there though, that would be a good way to keep it watered! Especially because it’s my kitchen window! Great idea!