As you might have heard, one of my dreams is to have my own little yurt! Out in our garden pasture, my own little home on the homestead! Nothing too big, I was thinking about a 16 foot yurt and I have slowly begun to work on it. I’ve selected a spot and begun a bit of foundation work, but hope to get much more of it done this year.
In the meanwhile, my dear daughters got me something so sweet for Christmas! And it took a while to arrive all the way from Kyrgyzstan!
So when this most curious and delightful package arrived… I was so thrilled.
My own training yurt! Yes, a build it yourself yurt kit!
They even sent a cute little post card as a thank you! What a treasure!
And the instructions were in Mongolian! Haha, no kidding!
However, they had very clear pictures, rather like if IKEA built a yurt… lots of pictures and so I got started on it!
It was rather easy to build and I loved that it was really well designed and structurally complete, just like a normal yurt! It really gave me the confidence to really get my dreams in order! I can’t wait for the spring to come around… and until then, my delightful little yurt sits on my desk and reminds me to keep my eye on the prize!
What is so adorable is that my little Cody pony figure is perfectly in scale with my yurt! The girls got me that one Christmas because I always wanted a pony. And then a few years later, we got Cody pony! And it looks so much like him! Isn’t that so cool!
They thought it would be fun to buy me a yurt… even if it wasn’t a huge one! I just love those girls, they are so thoughtful!!!
Never give up on your dreams. You can do it. And you can get there. Just stay focused. I sure am trying… it’s hard but if you want something, you can make it happen.
Stay with me this spring and summer! I noticed that the side pole pieces are on sale at our local lumber yard! Many people use standard ship lap 1 x 2″ boards for the sides… I hope to be able to get them sooner than later! I just need 80 by my calculations and they are normally less than a dollar a board. We can start to drill and knot the kanna together before the spring mud is dried up! I will be sure to document all the activities as they come about!