We woke up Monday morning, Boxing Day, and it was unseasonably warm. And then it started to rain. Bad combination for us. By around 11 am, the pastures started to flood. Maggie got her high water boots out and had to go and rescue our two ram boys from their little barn. It’s dry in their barn, but all around them, the waters were rising, fast.
They trust her and know her well as the Food Lady… so they were ready to follow her to the gate and wait patiently as she unlatched it. She had climbed over the fence to go and get them. Huldar and Lukkus were not too happy to have their feet so wet!
I just love this picture so much… Maggie leading them to dry land. As soon as they saw the dry land, they hustled! We had others to rescue so we brought them into the screen porch and our little make shift sick bay stall we have in there.
At least they would be dry and could eat a little fresh hay and wait it out. A bit cramped, but better than dripping wet and cold!
Then she had to go and rescue the goats! Goatopia was fast flooding as well. It was up to their little barn and eventually would flood in there a wee bit. That is a lot of water. We normally don’t flood that far up towards the hogs and all. It’s why we put the goat barn pretty far up near the hogs.
She took them back to the feed room and they were very happy to follow their leader! Goat hate being wet but they sure know when it’s time for rescue.
A few hours later, the sheep paddock flooded badly and they could not stay there. Maggie actually had to carry a few of the young yearling ewes from the barn because they were so scared and would not follow the rest of the herd. She managed to get them safely into the pony barn, to bunk with Shadow and Cody for a day or so. Just a big mess!
We actually got all the way up to 60 degrees! The day after Christmas! Can you believe it? We live in Northern Ohio, and that is really unseasonable! Pretty weird.
The combination of the warm weather, the snow melt of about 6 inches and the frozen ground was bad enough, but you add an all day rain and you have flood waters all over the county! A local river crested at 13 feet!!! That is some serious flooding. Thankfully, the water did start to recede a few days later. We shot a little video of the adventure!