Three little piglets were born to Miss Ebony a week ago! Two little boys and a teeny tiny runt girl. We are keeping a good watch on the little one, but so far momma is doing a wonderful job with her and her brothers seem to be watching out for her as well! Being a very small litter, it’s actually a good thing because there won’t be much competition for nursing spots!
New babies? Where???
Haha, the sheep are always interested in new babies on the farm.
Little Emerald is doing great as well as her half sisters, Ruby and Sapphire! Just three little girls this year… a very weird year for sheep and animal breeding. Small litters for some reason!
Of course, the pigs celebrated the new babies the way to know best.. EATING!
Hopefully, Cheyenne will be following in her mom’s hoofsteps and will soon deliver a litter as well. We were getting worried, we haven’t had a litter since last June! Apparently, they just were not in the mood to get pregnant. Our hogs are a family group and papa Onyx is with the ladies all the time and helps to coparent the babies. This allows the family group to regulate their own family planning! We shall see what the next few weeks brings! Hopefully, another litter!!!