We have been enjoying Tiffany so much! What a helpmate she is around the homestead. What is really nice is that we can load up with hay and feed and drive it back to the pony barn where we store stuff.
The ponies are curious… what is this beast? They don’t see anything like trucks back here very often.
The pigs are just as interested! A truck? A delivery of goodies?
Maggie throwing bales off the back of the truck. Shadow is very interested. But then, he’s a bit of a nosey old biddy anyway.
I grabbed a basket of fiber that we had out in the feed room from shearing time! Going to bring it up to the front and go through it a bit before we send it to the mill for processing.
We laid down a few bales of straw in the pony paddock. With all our mild winter weather this year, we have MUD everywhere! To be honest, it would be nice if the ground would freeze up a little bit. Hopefully, the straw will help to make it a little less sucky and yucky.
Just a sort of different view of the paddocks for the goats and sheep! From the cab of our truck!
Yeah, it’s muddy out there. Hard to get good traction without tearing up the grass, so we have to go pretty slow. Still, it sure beats dragging hay and feed out back by hand! We just keep getting better at this stuff all the time! City gals can learn to be country gals!