Handsome Pony Boys…


For a couple days, we moved the ponies up to the front pasture where Harley was.   Since he moved out a few weeks ago, it’s grow up pretty lush.  Of course, two hungry ponies pretty much got it back down to nibbled length.

Shadow loves to be up front.  He is such a nosey pony…  he loves to watch the cars and truck go by, and he is very interested by the comings and goings of us humans in the big house.  Cody likes the clover, but he could care less about all the activities.   He does like the little lean to hut, though.  It’s perfect for pony napping.


They are going to go back to their own pasture today, because we have some bad storms coming and their barn will give them much better protection from heavy winds and rain.  Plus, they haven’t been there for about ten days, so it is in need of a trim!  These pony boys have a lot of duties…  groundskeepers they are!  I wish I could figure out how to get them way up front in the ditches safely!   Oh well.  They sure do a good job all over the place, I can’t complain.


Shadow’s full name is Moonshadow and he is actually a miniature horse.  At 34 inches at the shoulder, he’s kind of a large mini, but you can see it in his legs and such, he’s finer built than stocky Cody as a Shetland pony.  I still just call them ponies.  Because they are little.  Shadow has a fine face and almost looks  like he has a little Arab in him.  Maybe somewhere in his family tree.  Hard to know.  He’s a sweet soul.  He can be a little pushy at times but it’s only because he likes to be right in the center of the action.  He makes Cody a very good companion.   He can be a goof at times, young at heart and gets the old man to play, but he’s also calm and really like his buddy.  If you separate them for any reason, even for a few minutes, Shadow thinks its the end of the world!  He loves his buddy Cody.


We moved them back to their barn this afternoon and I wish I had the video camera.  The front pasture is good sized but it just isn’t quite big enough for a pony with a bad case of the zoomies.  We let him go out there and he immediately kicked up his heels and did a few victory laps!  And then had a big roll in the clover.  Cody was interested in a roll but then got right to work cleaning up the clover!

All the rain and humidity we’ve had has just made everything grow like nuts!   Including our arch nemesis…  the bull thistles!  Ugh!   We need to go and whack those bad boys down.  It’s just that we’ve had other things to tend to when it stops raining.  Hopefully, after tonight’s storms, things should settle down a bit.   And then we can go out and leisurely chop these bad boys down.   Actually, we have this swinging blade thing…  it’s kind of like weed golf!  It works very well, and it kind of fun.  Maggie like to put on a podcast or some music, and get her sled and whack down the bad boys.  I think she takes out a little teen angst on the things!

But before, we’ve got a ton of mowing to do up front!  It’s like a jungle up there!!!  Oh well, so is everyone else’s houses around the area…  it’s too hard to mow when the grass is dripping wet.  And if you wait too late in the evening, the skeeters eat you alive!  But it sure is pretty to see all the lovely green grass!

Today, we worked on a big project… securing our sheep and goat paddock.  We actually finished it up today.   It was a huge undertaking but we just had to get it done.  The flock has been being naughty.   Every spring, it seems, they just get very sneaky and start gobbling up everything in their path like locusts.  They are not content with all their own pastures, they must bust fences, jump low spots and push down field fence to escape for that greener grass on the other side.  And then all the lambs act the fool as well, and no one behaves.  We always seem to have a week or two of chaos!  We just have had enough and decided, it was the time to get things secure and fixed once and for all!  So far, so good.  But it’s only been about 10 hours!  I’ll post more about it all with pictures, tomorrow…

Gotta go and get ready for our midnight storms!!!


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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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