Today’s Ramblings…

I’m sorry if anyone had trouble getting my blog to load yesterday… I think I overdid it… I had to go in and slip up that HUGE camping post… 40+ pictures of a nice big format was apparently just a little too much for WordPress to handle nice and neat.

I managed to get it cut up into 3 nicer, neater posts and that seems to have helped greatly. It might have been my server too… but I kinda think it was the HUGE post… hahaha. Well, I’ve learned my lesson. I hope you’ll forgive me.

Take a look at this though…. my first tomatoes!!!! Yeah!!!
We’re up to 6.5 pounds of produce now… gooooood stuff!


Those babies are going on my salad tonight and the big one will be making a BLT from homemade bread, local bacon and lettuce and ME grown tomato! Yeah!

It’s been a busy day here at the homestead… got some errands done, ran over the Avenue store because they emailed me the best coupon… $15 pintuck shirts that I LOVE with this internet coupon, one day only. I printed two and sweettalked the sales girl into letting me use both… it pays to be nice and friendly! (In this case, saved me $30!!!) That’s a whole lot nicer than collecting cans on the side of the road or clipping coupons for nickles and dimes. And I got two nice shirts to augment my slightly meager wardrobe!

Been working on the computers today… got a irratible Sony Vaio laptop that got a nasty bug and needed to be totally deleted and reinstalled and all that. We mostly run Macs here at the Moby, but we have this one token Windows machine for one podcasting program that we like… hahaha… and when I needed it, it got a nasty bug and wouldn’t load menus or let us use the mouse, nothing. So I cleaned ‘er off and I’m reinstalling… shesh that takes forever! Cross your fingers, I hope it worked!

Also been making some DVDS of past Glass City Opry performances, and that just takes forever! I did go and do my laundry in between, so that took away a little of the boredom.

Ran some errands, and did some website edits, all in a day’s work.

Did I mention…. IT”S RAINING!!!!! Thank goodness!!! We’ve had almost 4 weeks without a good rain. Got a nice drenching this morning, and then off again and on again all day it’s been this light misty drizzle stuff. I know the plants are digging it, as they are all nice and perky and greening up already. Especially the squash and pumpkins. We’re scheduled for some possible thunderstorms and all night of rain… gosh that would be WONDERFUL.

I am already looking into some sort of more permiment way to soak water my beds… after the last couple weeks without rain, everything is a little unhappy. And with my water pressure being a little low, it’s hard to get everything watered without a day long event. I’m thinking soaker hoses for each bed… and easy connect connectors so that I can just plug in to the hose, go back in the house to work for an hour, then go and plug into another bed…. that kind of thing.

It might be a little investment…. basically 7 beds, means 7 soaker hoses…. and the connections, but I sure don’t want to loose my crops. And they would last for many seasons if cared for. I’m still considering it… and will be definately looking into a few other ideas. I plan to have the plumber out as soon as I can afford him to see if we can improve the water pressure issue.



I stumbled onto this great deal today…. seeds are going on sale like crazy at the weirdest places…. I got 8 packs of seeds for $1 at our little local hardware store. And the drugstore had them 6 for $1… I plan on going back and stocking up. I’ve read in many places that most seeds will do fine being a year old. I figure loosing what doesn’t germinate, will be a great deal for what DOES….

All the books and websites seem to point to locking them up in a glass jar and popping them in your frig. Not your freezer, but the cool fridge. And if you can add something to keep the moisture down, even better. (Like a tablespoon of dried powdered milk in a bit of cheesecloth or tissue works great, as these experts suggest.)

Me, I’ve had plenty of success just popping them in an old tin and storing them in my closet! Cool and dark seems to be just fine.

Like I said, I am definately going back for more. I’m not sure why I didn’t think to do it when I was there… I was really just getting a few packs for my second round of plantings for the early fall! But now that I think about it… I think about 10 dollars should net me a TON of seeds for next year!!!

Just a little heads up to a great deal!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.


Today’s Ramblings… — 1 Comment

  1. The soaker hoses sound like a great idea. My husband and I made our own rain water barrel out of an olive barrel and collect rainwater for my gardens. We are planning to create soaker hoses too. Of course, it sounds like you haven’t had much rain, while we’ve had way too much. We’ve got well water, so every bit of water we can get elsewhere helps, and rain water is just fine for the plants. :)