Death at the Moby Homestead


I’m not fond of my livestock killing stuff. And thankfully, they are pretty bad at it, so generally, we don’t have a problem. Luna is our hunter kitty… but we interrupt her all the time when she’s considering birds… in fact in the last year, she only caught one. And she’s not out all the time.

But, I must admit, I wasn’t too upset that she caught a little mole. These little dudes are ruining my yard and all. They are digging all over the place and making little lump tracks in the grass and all. Of course, I don’t really have nice grass or anything, it’s mostly weed and clover and dies off pretty quick in the summer. One day I’d like a little bit of nicer green… next year I’m going to overseed the area with some good fast growing hardy grass, just to see if it takes…

But I digress.

Luna caught a mole.


The kinda funny thing was that she, Gypsy, Jack and Dixie have all been looking at it and then looking at her with this sort of weird admiration in their eyes. You can see it. She’s the big man on the homestead at the moment. They all try and get the little guys, but it’s ny-impossible. They are gone in their tunnels as quick as you noticed them. Gypsy is the biggest goof about the tunnels… she will run around the yard and sniff and sniff and wag her tail as she wanders about trying desperately to find the little diggers.

Jack and Dixie are powder puffs when it comes to real wild kitty activities, and just think that Luna is the Queen of all Wild Kitty Women. Jack tries ALL the time to catch a bird, but he is just absolutely terrible at it. He’s definately indoor kitty material. Dixie is just a big wuss and is afraid of her shadow most the time.

Luna of course, has been gloating in the kill, and I gave her a little time to sit and admire her little victim, but then the show was over and the cleanup crew removed the little body and everyone was sent on their merry way. Hopefully, now, the little moles will think twice when Luna is around…. I doubt it, but you never know.

All things considered, moles are fascinating animals …

* A 5 ounce mole will consume 45-50 lbs of worms and insects each year.
* Moles can dig surface tunnels at approximately 18 feet/hour.
* Moles travel through existing tunnels at about 80 feet/minute.
* Moles contain twice as much blood and twice as much hemoglobin as other mammals of similar size. This allows moles to breathe more easily in underground environments with low oxygen.

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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