Travis and Daisy…


It’s hard to be a lamb born 6 weeks after everyone else.

There’s no one to play with.

So you invent your own playmates.

Travis was having fun pushing over all our dog agility weave poles.


The little dude was leaving a wake of destruction behind him…

And then he discovered Daisy!   Yes, our little Lazy Daisy, the goat.

And it was best friends forever!!!!


Of course, it’s rather one sided.  Daisy could really care less about her new little annoying brother.

So he tries and tries and tries to get her attention.

She pretty much ignores him until he pesters her so much that she will turn and head butt him HARD.  Sometimes knocking him over.  And then she runs away.

However, in little boy ram lamb language that is just a challenge and the way to show how much you really love him!  haha…  So he runs after her and the whole pestering starts over again!  Buttercup will eventually come over and shoo him away, but it only lasts a little while.

He tries to play with the other lambs, but they are not sure how to play with such a little one…  They try, but are always watchful for Bridget to get in the way.  She’s very protective of her little boy.  But Travis is a tough little lad and he keeps pestering everyone.  I think another week or two and the big lambs will be able to play with him more.



Until then…  he only has eyes for Daisy!



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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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