About Mobymom
the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of BuckeyeBluegrass.com as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.
i just wanted to say that you are an incredible inspiration for me. i’ve lived in a mobile home for 14+ years, raising my children here. i hate it but i always thought that this is just where i’m at, and tried desperately to make lemonade with this lemon of a house. the more i read at your blog and fb page, the stronger my desire is to get out of this trailer park and onto a small farm, where i’m meant to be. i still have 5 children at home, the youngest only 9, still plenty of time to get my house in the country. in this economy, it will take quite a miracle but watching you and your girls, seeing all that you’ve accomplished in such a short time, gives me hope. thank you for keeping a blog. God bless. chris
That is so nice, I’m so glad that what we’re doing is helping you to realize your own dreams! I still think it’s a little well, weird that folks might think of us as inspiring, we’re just doing what we have to do to make our dreams come true. It’s hard work and sometimes discouraging! But all in all, it’s so worth it! I’m not sure where you live, but you know, there are opportunities out there, even in this rough economy. And if you have a level head and try to do things as economically as you can, you can make it happen. There are people out there that will help, you just have to find them and ask, ask, ask. The worse cause, you’ll be told no, and you’ll be no further ahead then you started. But you might get a yes and then, watch out!!! Try some of the rural assistance loans out there… just google them. So many are available, it’s not funny. And you don’t have to be perfect, far from it! You just gotta want it and make it happen. You can. Life is too short to be stuck doing stuff you don’t want to be. You just gotta get in there and keep kicking! haha… I may not be fast or strong or whatever, but I’m persistent. I am convinced that being persistent and having clear cut goals is what can get you places. Visualize your dream life and start working towards it. One teeny little step at a time!!! Whatever it takes!!! You can do it!! I know you can!!!!