Just got to thinking… we need a little boost around the farm before the winter… primarily, we need to get our heating system in place. The nights have been getting a teeny bit chilly and we still do not have a good heating situation worked out for the farm. We are buying a corn pellet stove from a friend, but will also have to install it and piping… so I decided to have a little sale through all our various online ventures.
I primarily sent this information out to our mailing lists… but then I thought, perhaps the blog readers might be interested… it’s a good sale. I really don’t like to cross over the blog and “selling” but it’s for a really good cause, so I hope you won’t mind.
It’s a Pick Your Percentage Off Sale…
If you buy over $10 and up to $49.99, you will get 25% off at the checkout!!!
But… if you spend over $50.00… you get 50% off your whole order!!!
And it’s on any of our product lines… rocks, minerals, learning products, music, downloads…. all of it!
Pretty simple.
Here are the websites that you can browse… remember, it’s only this Labor Day Weekend!! On Monday night at midnight… it’s done!
Thanks for putting up with this little shameless plug!
(PS… the banty chicks are hatching tonight!!!!!) ((Pictures soon!!!))

A couple of the links aren’t working for me. I think Jessie’s is missing an ‘s.’ Just FYI.

Jessy’s, not Jessie’s. Sorry. Please apologize for me, I forgot for a second that she spells it differently than someone I know here. Oops!
Thanks a bunch! Yes, I did mess up that link… but I went and fixed it now. Thanks! Jessy doesn’t mind, she gets her name spelled all sorts of ways but she’s super easy going, so it’s fine with her!
Aw, I guess selling the tree didn’t work out then?
Oh my gosh, thanks for reminding me! That fellow was supposed to call me back and he never did, I wonder if he lost my number or something. I do believe I will give him a call tomorrow!!! Thanks a bunch!!!