We just candled 4 of our eggs in the incubator AND EVERY ONE had a moving, wiggling little embryo in it!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! We didn’t do the rest of them, just didn’t want to bother them and all. Of course, now I’m thinking we should, just because, but it was just so cool.
Maggie and Jessy and I were all in the dark bathroom with a very powerful LED flashlight. You want the room as dark as possible, so that the light can shine right through the egg. You cup your hand around the egg and seal out any stray light, and lo and behold… wiggly little Bucka baby in there!!!!! I can’t think of anything more cool that I’ve seen in a long time!
I know we’re just using a home made incubator, and we would love to have a real one and maybe Santa will bring one… hahaha… but the fact that this is working is just so cool.
Of course, we still have 11 days to go. And anything can happen. But I think we’re going to be super duper positive and plan on all 10 making it!!! I know you all will help us with the good vibes!!!
Wow. Little chickie babies! Windhaven’s first little babies hatched here at the farm! I hope that they continue to grow strong and safe.
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I am so excited Too !!! I can’t wait to see them !
We went ahead and candled them all… just couldn’t stand it! 7 showed good progress, 2 did look like they might be dudes and one, well we just couldn’t tell for sure. But at least it didn’t look bad, either. Might just have been a little thicker shell for our light. The 2 dudes have these very odd little dot patterns all over, which I guess is a sign of bacterial contamination. (ie.. rotten egg!) However, the site we looked at said, you never can tell till the time is up, so we’ll let them be and check those again in a few days.
It’s just so exciting!
Ah, that’s DUDs… not DUDES… haha…
Yes, you don’t want too many DUDES unless they will fairly quickly go in the pot pies!!
Heck, if on the first try, you get even half success, I think I would save the Santa request for something else! First try and very little expense, WAH-HOO!!!!
Haha, you are right! Although I would like a Bucka Jr. haha… just in case! Two roos would probably be okay. Since we’re looking at increasing the flock soon with the babies and then we’re going to be getting some fancy ladies… Black Copper Marans and true Amerucanas!
Can’t wait!!!!
Great news, Sherri. And you sure have all the chicken space you need! (:
Chickens…how do I love thee? Let me count the ways:
fried, cutlets, baked, roasted, grilled, saladed (new word), warm, cold, hot, soup, shredded, bar-be-qued, steamed, poached, etc., etc., etc.
Hope you got (or will get) yourself a BIG, BIG freezer.
And, of course, extra eggs freeze well, too.