• Load up Blue with extra kitchen stuff
• Load up Curtis’ truck with cold frames, potted trees, yard stuff
• Out to the farm by 10:30 or so…
• Fiddle around with well and furnace… HOPEFULLY getting her going!
• Unload truck and car
• If nice… pull down hanging big branches
• Gather side yard branches
• Hang Kitchen door
• Hang house numbers
• Install new crystal light sheet in dining room

I am having a great time following your blog and your new adventure. I am a city girl so can’t really relate to your journey but I love your enthusiasm. Why is your house so close to the road?
It looks closer than it is. It’s almost 20 feet from the road. I’m not sure. It’s 106 years old, so I suspect that the house was there before the road was! Actually, it’s not that bad. We plan to fence in a way that makes it safe for kids and pets and livestock. In a way, it’s nice because it gives us ALL the backyard area to use and enjoy! Instead of just being a lawn and something to mow.
Thanks for stopping in!