Yes, about a month late, but I was looking at the pictures and they were so nice. Our tree just looked so sweet this year and it has found a good spot.
We had a very nice holiday time, just perfect amount of celebrating and cost, and a nice bit of quiet and reflective time as well. It was one of the nicest Christmases that I remember in a while now. Just a nice time… Here a few little shots of our dogs. haha…. they enjoyed the holidays as well! It was after all, Puppy’s First Christmas!
And we were so happy to have Gypsy with us for another year! She just had her birthday… in January and she is now officially 14 years old! Yeah! She’s doing really good lately, and that is just so nice.
The kitties got one of those catnip cardboard scratching things and Evee was super jealous of them using it, it was pretty funny. Not sure why but she really didn’t think it was proper for them to be digging their kitty claws in that thing! Silly pup!
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