Well, we’re still in the game. Have been doing a lot of thinking and praying and hoping that things work out as we’d like them to. Of course, it’s humbling to have to come to the realization that as much as we would like things to go easily, sometimes you have to work hard to make it work out. We’re not giving up.
Had a meeting today with another mortgage lender and he was very helpful and wise. We also might have a private lender to help us, so I know that the forces that may be, are working. Perhaps a little slowly, but it’s teaching us that patience is indeed a virtue!
In the meanwhile, we’re working hard to get our business plates clean and in tidy order. Getting a few projects done, working hard to save as much money as we can and to get in a very good place. Working still to find some new owners for a few websites and product lines… and trying to get a little car issues sorted out. (Yeah, Gunnar is proving to be a real primadona of my car herd. He better shape up, and soon, because he’s going to be traded in for a neat little PURPLE pickup truck I saw for sale locally… If anyone knew me, they’d know how I would LOVE a purple truck! haha… So Gunny has one last chance to find his place in our fleet. Had that car for 19 months now and have only driven it about 2 of them. LOOOONG Story… not worth retelling.
Down to only 12 cards in my To-Do pack and that is really amazing after nearly 2 years of hard work and hundreds of cards! So things are moving right along… this is going to be an amazing year!!! It’s already been great!

Oh that’s so great to hear!! Good luck with the new mortgage guy and with selling your sites! Exciting!
That’s wonderful news. I have been checking for an update. I was wondering too if maybe the present owner would want to make a financing deal. I guess it depends on her situation. Have you thought about leaving the Moby there when you move and renting it out? You would still have it yet not have to pay moving costs and have an income to boot. No doubt you have considered these things. Will keep you all in my prayers. Keep pressing on.
Best wishes! How about more details on the to-do cards when you have time? I’m a new reader and haven’t heard of them before.
I keep checking in on yall. Great to hear that you are still in the running !!! I am still praying for your dream!!! Hope all your dreams come true for your family !