A little bright light of the day. Our new band CD is done… It’s called Midnight Storm… It sounds purdy durn good, but well, I’m biased.
It has three originals on it, that Jeff and I wrote. Yep, we’re the regular Simon and Garfunkel of the local bluegrass scene. We’re still approachable though, so don’t worry. We’re very humble. (haha)
It’s got 3 others that are pretty good too… of course, written by the best of the best of our bluegrass genre. Midnight storm, Love of an Angel and Freeborn Man.
And the last one, Woods of Yesterday, is written by my buddy Rob, he’s not only a band mate, he’s my right hand man in the business! (Jessy is my right hand gal…. or is she my left hand man… Hmmm….) I’m sure you’ll love that one.. it’s about kids rambling in the woods and being grown up and missing that… gooood stuff.
Well, anyway… it’s done. I have them available if anyone is interested. For my ever faithful wonderful awesome blog peeps, I’ll send ya one for free shipping if you want to donate $10 to the band. We do paypal and ah, cash too. We barter, and haggle too, so hey, whatever goes! Haha.
Here’s the title cut… Midnight Storm, with yours truly leading the way!
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This is a song that Jeff and I wrote, called Baby Girl. I really like this one.. Jeff’s Dad Wilson is singing lead on it.
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Here’s an instrumental that Jeff and I wrote… It’s called Blue Nose Mule…
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You can contact me at: Sherri@Westvon.com if you’d like.
Remember. We only need to sell 1,890 of them to help us buy the farm.
Oh wait. I only get 1/5th of the proceeds. Durn. Okay, we only need to sell like 9,450 of them. That’s doable, right? Right? (haha)
I’m kidding. 7,000 would be probably enough.

Awesome! I’ve listened to Midnight Storm so far. I grew up with bluegrass and went to festivals every year as a kid. It’s a sound that stays in your soul. Love it! When I get paid I’ll holler at you.