We’re re-doing all the inserts for our Hot Licks programs, making them all consistent and nice and matchy-matchy. It’s been on the docket for a good long time and it was just time to sit down, figure it out and make it look nice and professional. I’ve got 12 more to go! (But it MUCH easier once I have the first one approved!!!) Just waiting for my partner Rob to go over it good and make sure it meets with his lofty approval. I’m sure it will, he rarely dislikes anything I do. Which makes for a lovely working relationship, I must say. (haha)

That looks great!
I wanted to let you know I tagged you on my blog. It was the first time I’d ever been tagged, and I wanted to show people your site too.
Wait a minute. Westvon publishing…I bought some geography unit study sheets from you last year! Ok then…guess weve been in contact before.