I was sitting here a few days ago, thinking that I wish I had a little foot stool, a little low adjustable stool that would help me to elevate my feet a bit during the day when I’m working on the computer. I tried to make one out of boxes awhile back, but they would collapse and were, well, not that comfortable and all that. I saw some expensive ergo-footrests but they were uber expensive.
So I decided to head to my local used furniture junk shop and poke around. And lo and behold, I found the PERFECT little stool, and it was adjustable and fun and CHEAP…. $10 bucks.
From the wee bit of label on the back, it’s got that 1950’s look and I just love how it’s adjustable so you can use it in several different positions. At first I thought the dark green patent leather was okay, but to be honest, it’s a little hard and stiff. I think I’m going to get a little piece of foam and make a little comfy pillow top for it with a piece of fabric from my stash. But other than that? It’s ABSOLUTELY perfect and a great way to rest my feet a bit during the day and keep the circulation flowing! It’s all good! Love used furniture places and flea markets!!! Even better when you can go in and get exactly what you were wanting and walk out super happy! Yeah!!!