Okay, well not a REAL book… but I just got a bug in my bonnet today to find a way to print out the blog, or to make it easy for someone to read it from start to finish if they just found the thing.
I know I see people’s blogs and I find them after they have been writing for months or years and I wish I could easily read from the beginning and well, WordPress isn’t the easiest for that kind of reading. And I sort of wanted a backup of all that I’ve written so far… 900+ pages!!!!
Well, I tried all kinds of things, this and that, services, online things, WordPress plugins and I finally got it to work!!!!
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD The Mobile Home Woman – Year 2009
CLICK TO DOWNLOAD The Mobile Home Woman – Year 2010 – January through July
(They are big files, they will take a while to download!!!)
Once you have it opened up, you have to go up to the top and pull down the menu to SAVE AS and make sure it’s on your computer!
Have fun reading!!!
If you have a blog and you want to do this…. here’s how I did it!
First off. You go under Settings and go to WRITING and make sure that the box for
Remote Publishing (XML-RPC) Is clicked off. And then SAVE.
Then you go under TOOLS…. and Select EXPORT.
You can pick certain things like oh, a date span or to have headers or not or whatever. I just left it at the settings that it defaulted to, easy like that.
After that, you go to a site called www.BlogBooker.com And follow the pretty simple instructions. It takes a little while, so be patient. Especially if you have a lot of posts.
And then…. poof! You have these babies!!!
(I did two, one for 2009 and one for 2010, so far. Each was over 400 pages, with photos and such. I noticed that a few of the photos didn’t work out, not sure why, but hey, probably some sort of weird glitch, I do have a lot of photos on my blog!!!)
Good luck!!! Have fun with this!