Toilet Paper Tube Seed Starters


We’ve been saving toilet paper tubes for a good long time and now, we’re ready to make a bunch of seed starting tubes.

Since the woozels destroyed my pathetic little boxes of lettuce and peas and such, we decided to try another batch.

First you cut up the side of the tubes a bit, an even amount. We made a little mark on our scissors so it would be even, kind of.



It’s really quite easy, you just want to fold in the bottom a bit so that the dirt stays in place until the plant starts growing nicely and the roots hold in the dirt.

It didn’t take long to do quite a few tubes. Maggie did most of them while she was watching a movie on her computer.

Then we just snuggled them into a container, tight enough so that they would stay standing.


Then fill with a good seed starter dirt. We filled them all the way to the top.


After that, we watered them good, because the soil is so light and fluffy, it just seemed like they needed a good solid drenching before we plant seeds in them.

The cold frames are coming tomorrow, so exciting! It’s pretty cold this week, so I doubt that I will be putting anything out there right away. I have to play an afternoon show on Sunday, so I might use Saturday as a day to start labeling my little sticks and consider planting up these tubes first and see how that goes. I have some neat seed starter trays that I got from Guerneys, and if I get a lot of my work down the next few days, I just might putz around on Saturday and start some seeds. Hopefully Monday or Tuesday, they can spend a little time out in the cold frames during the day for the sunshine!

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About Mobymom

the banjo player for Deepwater Bluegrass, and the editor of as well as the main graphic designer of the Westvon Publishing empire. She is a renaissance woman of many talents and has two lovely daughters and a rehab mobile home homestead to raise.

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