I have to stop searching now. I have found the most perfect banana bread recipe. No more trying or wondering, this is it. We adore it. I’ve made it for a couple gifts and it’s just out of this world. Sandhill Sis and her family call it Crack Bread, because it’s SO DARN GOOD you will go and sell your mama’s good china just to get a hit of this stuff. I usually have to make at least 2 loaves or else everyone is mad. Its good with or without nuts.
Thank you God for blogs and bloggers and awesome recipes that can now surface and spread and change the world of banana bread and other gooooooodies from the kitchen!!!
CLICK HERE to go and learn about this AWESOME BANANA BREAD RECIPE!!!
And of course, to visit one of my fav blogs!!!
Now if I could only find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe. We’re weirdos and like our chocolate chip cookies to be thicker and cakelike, instead of flat and lumpy. More like the fancy cookie stores. And I’m having trouble finding a really perfect one for us. Anyone have any ideas???

I’ve got a crock pot chocolate chip cookie recipe I’ve been meaning to try. The cookie is supposed to come out like a giant cake that you then cut up into pieces to eat. If it works out, I’ll share it with you. Do you have a crock pot? I love mine!
Glad you got your water back on and running without any pipes exploding. We worry about our pipes in the winter too- slab foundation and old pipes.
I use the recipe off the pack of chocolate chips for my chocolate chip cookies but replace most of the butter with shortening. Also, make sure your baking soda is fresh!
Oh my, crock pot cookies? Well, I suppose that would work! HAHA Its a heating source and all! I’ve heard of breads and quick breads in the crock pot, so I guess cookies would not be that much of a reach!!! Please share if they work out!
Yes, we’ll be taking a little further steps to protect the crock and water intake under there tomorrow. I got an idea to make some movable thick insulated fak strawbales! We’re not allowed to put real straw under there, but how about a fake bale/block out of insulating foam??? Hmmmmm….. I might be on to something!
Oh you know, that’s a great suggestion…. my baking soda is like OLD and ah, well, it’s OLD…. I should get a new box just for baking!!! I’ll bet that would help things a bit.
We try to change ours every few months. And put it in one of those jars. If you’re worried about waste sprinkle the old stuff on your rugs and vacuum it to freshen your place.