I have spent some time wandering on YouTube and found these two wonderful gardeners… One is a fellow from England and his “allotment is simply stunning! Oh my gosh! And the other is a beginning gardener named Donna and her many video adventures in learning to do the square foot gardening methods. I think the girls and I are going to try two SFGs this year, and see how it goes. Sounds kinda fun actually. Each of them are going to have one bed, 2 x 8 along our shed and we’ll watch their progress through the season.
Anyways…. take a little time and poke through these wonderful videos!!!
You have to go and visit this link for Donna’s videos…
Donna’s Square Foot Garden Videos

Mother Earth News has a story in their current issue about gardening in 100 square feet http://www.motherearthnews.com/Organic-Gardening/Square-Foot-Gardening-Food.aspx