Well I got my pink slip from Dragon Mountain Treasures this morning.
We packed up the last holiday order and I trotted it off to the post office and when I got home I realized…. OH MY GOSH I’m freee! FREEEEEEE!!!!
The girls went to their Dad’s for a few days and I had the whole moby to myself and NO ORDERS to pack! And NO ROCKS to bag and nothing!!!!!
Oh what a glorious day!!!!
SO what did I do? Why I went back and looked at the totals and figures of all the work we did, just because I couldn’t totally detach myself from it all. After all, it was just about all I did for the last 6 weeks….
Here’s the Grand Totals of Holiday Rock Panic 2009
We had 445 orders and they averaged about $33 dollars each. Which is way better than last year… where we had 344 orders at $31.72 each. So apparently in bad times, people buy more rocks for their kids. Hmmmm. Coal perhaps? Hahaha….
Here’s what we processed….
21 Bible Kits
41 Crystal Kits
137 Deluxe Rock and Mineral Kits
86 Fossil Kits
5 Mineral Collector’s Kits
23 Hardness Kits
41 Study Kits
11 Shell Kits
20 Smokey Mt Kits
We sold 28 large kit magnifiers, 10 LED magnifiers, 116 collector’s plastic boxes…. and we sold 111 pounds of tumbled rock assortments and 99 pounds of rough material for tumblers. We actually went through 693 geodes to crack open!!!
We actually bagged 6,825 individual rock and mineral specimens!!!
This was all done with just 4 people.
Our postage cost alone was $2,727 bucks! That’s a lot of boxes and all! Shesh, it’s a lot of everything! Easily over a quarter of a ton of rocks!!!! No wonder my mailman hates me! (Well, not really, but he does have to fuss every time we order more and more and more rocks! Hahaha…. I’m making sure I give him a nice big tip or something, I dunno… I want to do something nice for him for all his hard work. He’s been stopping at my Moby so much that the neighbors are probably wondering what is going on… hee hee heee)
Well, it was all good. And my new keyboard and the monitor adapter arrived today in the mail. My computer is still not here, but it will be soon…. it’s left Canada on Thursday and is in the US now.. I’m hoping maybe Monday or Tuesday!!! That would be sweet… I’m getting really excited about it… I haven’t had this new of a computer, well, forever. I can’t hardly wait. And now that I’m laid off (haha) I’ll have time to fool with it. Oh boy… I am a total computer geek at heart… I can’t wait.
I spent the day cleaning up the place and putting things back to order somewhat. I moved my computer and work stuff back into my office room and just kind of putzed all day and got things back in order. Cleaned up some of the clutter that the rush had piled up here and there. And then I sat with Gypsy and kitty Dixie on the couch for like 2 hours and watched TV. Just sat there. Wow, being laid off feels good! I’m so ready for a few days of down time! Of course, I’m getting excited now about Christmas and the New Year, because I have a lot of really fun plans for business and homesteading and the Moby and I can get back to blogging regularly and all that good jazz!
Yeah!!!! Can’t wait! I missed ya all so much!!!!
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We’ve missed you too. I have been ready for those two sleeping animals to move on down the blog line. LOL
The rock business is very interesting to me. Get ready, next year will be better yet. P~
I’m so glad to be laid off! HAHAHA… Now Jessy can get back to be the main task mistress of her own destiny! I have stuff to do! (g) Actually it’s pretty cool to be able to work hard for awhile and then relax and coast for a while. It’s a good thing.